Liberals Are Right About Conservative Intentions

But the Liberals are wrong about the solution. Their betrayal on electoral reform has given the CPC’s PP power over them. They could be working collaboratively to implement things the NDP also want, instead there’s a sword hanging over their heads according to polling.

They’ve cast aside every lesson the pandemic taught them, from CERB, to not letting respirators go to waste. Canadians can’t even get the most effective updated vaccine, Novavax.

Conservatives Turned Into a Soft-core Hate Party So Gradually, I Hardly Noticed

How in the ever-loving Eff could someone not realize that the Conservative Party of Canada was now a party willing to weaponize hatred to gain support, money, and Internet trolls? It’s apparently really GD easy. Yeah, I’m swearing, because this isht is ludicrous.

Maybe the first clue for CPC voters should have been when their interim leader was caught wearing a Trump MAGA hat in a non-ironic way. Or they could have caught on when a literal Nazi was invited to hang out with CPC MPs? Or when their current leader took coffee and donuts to the Flu Trux Klan occupiers of Ottawa whose manifesto was to dissolve the House of Commons and prevent people from getting medicine or being protected from the raging pandemic?

More recently, there’s a coordinated international attack on trans youth, from Texas to New Brunswick, to Saskatchewan and back down to California. It’s vile and it’s so obvious that it’s been called out by the Prime Minister (who isn’t known for being frank and honest about a lot of things, to be honest and frank).

The blog post title is reference to a Simpson’s joke where Marge in the future is watching Fox TV, and soft core porn comes on and she mentions how Fox now broadcasting porn happened so gradually that she didn’t notice they crossed a line. Canadian Conservatives have crossed a line this past week. Will voters notice in time to stop the rising fascism? History suggests they will not.

I don’t expect Conservative voters to notice or care that their dear leader Stephen Harper who heads the IDU, had one of his key guys indicted on RICO charges in the US for organizing a criminal conspiracy with Donald Trump. Seems like international coordination of bad things is a Conservative trait. Maybe that’s why they’re projecting about the WEF and other conspiracies they’ve cooked up to claim that the Liberals are somehow worse than they are.

Plague Update: If We Don’t Report It, It Doesn’t Exist

As governments suppressed the data, so news would have less to report about the pandemic, more people died than before, as the public became less cautious and more likely to consume and mingle in public spaces like bars and stores. The federal government is doing as much harm as provincial Conservative ones.

“You Do You” doesn’t work for Public Health.

A Great Day For Canada

About fricken time the Liberals and NDP came to an agreement to stop the never-ending short election cycle. This should have happened last year. Now let’s get some movement on electoral reform, the #ClimateCrisis, and reconciliation, among many other files the parties can agree on. The Greens are also likely to support many bills.

Moe has already responded with petulant ignorance and mischaracterization of what’s happening.

And it’s not that Conservatives don’t understand, many do. It’s that they just don’t care, and have calculated they’ll get more mileage from misinforming voters.

My eyes would like a word with the Liberals and NDP who don’t think they should include sight as an aspect of covered public health.

Hundreds of Kids Found Dead In Unmarked Graves

Canada is a normal settler-colonial country with a dark history of genocide against Indigenous peoples

The Minister doesn’t seem aware, or in charge since this is his tweet upon the discovery of the graves:

Maybe stop fighting survivors of these Residential Schools in court, Liberals?

Prime Minister Furious At Himself

Canada’s bonehead Prime Minister, in an effort to look more like Boris Johnson, has turned up in an old photo sporting a culturally inappropriate turban costume while wearing what is now, finally widely recognized as racist, blackface makeup.

This latest photo is not to be confused with the one manufactured by the Conservative Party to characterize the PM as a brown person shutting down oil production in Alberta.

The Right Honourable guy has a tattoo of First Nations imagery on his shoulder, I’m pretty sure he must have a whole closest stuffed full of inappropriate cultural appropriation. If Canadians come to their senses before polling day, they can elect a PM who wears a turban appropriately, or one who stands shoulder to shoulder with First Nations people as they’re arrested for defending unceded territory from invading oil companies.

What’s Going On?

Half of the kitty cats just walked by to sniff my hand only to keep walking as I started to pet them, so they wouldn’t be mistaken as being too interested in more petting. Charlie just came up to me again, and left when I tried to pet him.

In good news, Hubble found that an exoplanet about 110 light years distant, happens to have watery clouds in the Goldilocks zone. That means if we got as-fast-as-light transportation, it would take only 110 years to find out if there’s life there without radio transmission capabilities.

In less good news, the Canadian election is officially underway. Traditionally my blogging picks up during a campaign, and this one will likely stimulate blog posting every other day or so. My early impression is that the media will make its usual effort to characterize the race as 2-way despite there being multiple parties. This is particularly dangerous this time because a Conservatives are run by a do-nothing who works happily with racists and religious zealots.

Meanwhile, the NDP are taking out their rage from slipping into 4th place in Ontario, and other parts of Canada, out on the Greens. Watch for a whole lot more horrible things said about Elizabeth May. The other day she apparently became a separatist, and I’m certain next NDP headquarters will try to convince people that she’s a flying green people eater.

CBC, Change the Debate

CBC has a history of providing a substandard democracy experience for its owners, the Canadian public. Over a decade ago I organized a Regina protest in front of CBC Saskatchewan to object to the broadcasting corporation’s exclusion of Elizabeth May from the leaders debate. Years later she managed to win a seat anyway, and now the Greens are polling nationally about even with the NDP. Excluding her was obviously a partisan choice by the public broadcaster.


CBC security hassling a protestor to ‘not block the entrance’, during the opening prayer.

Yesterday, people across Canada gathered, including in Regina, to protest CBC’s lack of interest in hosting a Leaders Debate on the climate emergency that Parliament has declared. Several parties have a plan for a Green New Deal, and the public would benefit from hearing a structured debate from the leaders of those parties explain how they envision the Canadian economy will change to meet the pressing need the world is feeling to meet this crisis.

You might also want to read these from the past of media corruption.

It’s clear the CBC is willing to put more effort into sensationalizing a murder investigation, than into the most life threatening political issue of our time.

Loblaws Corruption Rewarded By Liberals, Conservatives Demand Their Chance

“I want my tax dollars to go to education, healthcare, police and fire services, and infrastructure…not to profitable private businesses. There is something very wrong with this.” – Ms. Kurtz

This should be a joke. Loblaws/Superstore conspired to fix prices on bread. Why aren’t they exempt from Government funding for a period of time after that [unprosecuted] crime? Hmm, where have I recently heard about a large too-big-to-fail Canadian company attempting to evade prosecution for a crime against society, by appealing to the Liberals (and Conservatives)?

Minister McKenna, you lack good judgement if you thought of promoting this shame with a media event, and posting it on your Twitter. Corruption like this is supposed to be a private moment. “Let them eat price-fixed cake products from the Weston bakeries.”

I like energy efficiency as much as the next guy. Okay, probably a bit more than the typical guy. Yet I have a bit of a problem with the Government of Canada giving money to effing Loblaws to improve their energy efficiency. Is there no Ma & Pa grocer left in Canada to give these millions of dollars to to accomplish the same reduction in emissions, while requiring Loblaws meet a minimum standard, or have them simply respond to the [too-low] carbon pricing that just went into effect? You know, the one you put in place to inspire businesses to find innovative ways to build in efficiencies? Asking the Liberals for money isn’t innovative, nor is Liberals paying billionaires more millions of dollars. Those are older than my record collection.

You may be a Liberal reading this, and thinking, “You can’t say that, what if it helps the Conservatives win because this shows that the Liberals are beholden to Big Money, and that they support corrupt businesses with Government dollars.” Except you wouldn’t say that out loud because you’d use a thought bubble if it even crossed your mind.

I leave you with the wisdom of The Walking Eagle:

I read this blog post for you:

Disliking Liberals vs Disliking Conservatives

Christopher Bird explains what it’s like to be a reasonable Canadian observing Canadian political struggles of the largest 2 parties in their efforts to govern:

I don’t particularly like Justin Trudeau – he showed some promise but has been a massive disappointment on multiple levels – but he is, when you get down to brass tacks, a bog-standard centrist politician. He’s a white dude with some policy chops who embodies the Liberal Party ethos of “we are the natural governing party,” which means A) they care about getting the policy right (for their value of “right” which, for example, doesn’t entirely coincide with mine) more often than not B) but it’s not out of any sense of altruism or compassion, but rather because doing government right means you stay in power and that’s where every Liberal believes they deserve to be.

That said: there is a massive ocean between my dislike of Justin and the Canadian right’s dislike of Justin, which is this weirdly *animated* thing. It is performative and it is active and it is virulent and it is spiteful in a way that honestly doesn’t come close to my dislike of, say, Doug Ford, because when someone asks me why I dislike Doug Ford I have an actual list of Bad Things Doug Ford Has Done; without the list he would just be another dumb, loud conservative, and there are simply too many of those to hate him for being one.