Liberals Are Right About Conservative Intentions

But the Liberals are wrong about the solution. Their betrayal on electoral reform has given the CPC’s PP power over them. They could be working collaboratively to implement things the NDP also want, instead there’s a sword hanging over their heads according to polling.

They’ve cast aside every lesson the pandemic taught them, from CERB, to not letting respirators go to waste. Canadians can’t even get the most effective updated vaccine, Novavax.

2 responses to “Liberals Are Right About Conservative Intentions

  1. Even without climate change or pandemics, Conservatives create instability in the economy. Their project is increased inequality, and increased inequality creates instability. When they cut taxes on the rich, leaving government with too little revenue to do the kinds of governmental projects that make society and the economy more stable, it creates instability in the economy. When they cut minimum wages and protections for workers and make it harder to unionize, increasing poverty, it creates instability in the economy. When they run deficits more than any other party, but only to give money to the already rich, it creates instability in the economy. When they privatize everything in sight for a song, reducing the government’s assets while shifting various functions from acting for the public good to lining some rich crony’s coffers, it creates instability in the economy.

    Their whole basic claim about what they do is a lie, endorsed by most of the news media because that news media is owned by people who are beneficiaries of the Conservative upward money siphon.

    I do certainly agree that if the Liberals had had either the ethics or the foresight to put in proportional representation back when they promised they would, the current political situation would be far less threatening.

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