Idle Math

Your gas car burns at least 0.5gal/h while bigger trucks can burn .8gal/h of fuel when just sitting there running doing nothing for transportation.

0.5gal is 1.89L. That’s 1.89 * $1.599/L = $3.02 worth of gas per hour burnt idling.

60 minutes in an hour.

5 cents per minute.

The average car driver burns through more money idling in traffic for a minute, than I spend on electricity commuting by ebike or escooter for more than 2 days.


Incidentally, a trip to Moose Jaw and back to Regina by EV costs only $3.33. So someone idling their gas car for as long as it takes to drive to Moose Jaw from city centre to city centre, will have spent almost as much, going nowhere.

Antique car idling at a Regina traffic light

Saskatoon Hate

2 Catholic school administrators did damage to their city’s reputation by discouraging teachers and then parents from allowing their kids to attend a welcoming and inclusive space at a corporate sponsored event in their city. Homophobes and transphobes have been siding with the traditionally homophobic and hate-mongering church school system, even after the Pope told Catholics to soften their stance against homosexuality in recent months.


And an unrelated story from Saskatoon: A cement truck driver struck and killed a mother in front of her children. MSM screwed up their articles about it by not even mentioning that there was a driver of the truck involved, let alone what charges were laid if any.

Moose Jaw Reunion

I was in Moose Jaw for a family reunion on Sunday. My Dad was in hospital fighting off another infection, while his immunity is compromised by chemo. The rest of the Kleins who could make it were in Wakamow Valley Park. Some other family had taken over the pavilion we’d booked, but we easily found a nearby suitable site by the iron bridge.

I’d brought my Sondors ebike along, and after some others in my family had a spin, I took it around the southern part of Moose Jaw.
Moose Jaw in August

Moose Jaw in August

Moose Jaw in August

Moose Jaw in August

Moose Jaw in August

News Summary

Goodbye Rob Ford. You left a mark on Canada’s reputation, and now you’re free to go swim with the sharks in the sky.

Here’s my favourite Ford video, which sums up his career and life:


More important than the death of a former Toronto Mayor, is the ongoing destruction of our climate. But since the annihilation of civilization will happen in several months or decades, the “news” will focus on a terrible bombing that harmed people in the continent of Europe, and the expected passing of a reviled politician, man, and recent cancer sufferer.

Alberta P3 News #skpoli

Here’s some news hot out of Alberta. Only one of them is satirical.

The other satirical bit is that Saskatchewan’s Sask Party recently announced they’d be saving taxpayers millions of dollars by starting a P3 Bike Share like Stettler had. No wait, they said they were going to build P3 schools, after the Alberta model, to build schools faster.

T-Rex Doesn’t Taste Like Bacon

I couldn’t keep a straight face over this one. The T-Rex Burger is offensive, but the Baconator isn’t?

“She said the fast-food restaurant “strives to deliver a positive dining experience for our customers. Our goal is to provide options to our customers so they can make options that meet their needs.”

Reddit ruins the fun, unintentionally.


Meanwhile, what could go wrong with having passengers’ phones designed to communicate via radio signals to a bag with radio communication emanating from it. That won’t freak airlines right out. (Kaboom) They shouldn’t be losing bags in the first place, since there’s a policy that bags do not go onto planes if the passenger hasn’t joined the flight their bag is on.



I for one welcome our Flying Cyclist Overlords, and look forward to serving in their bicycle mines.