Conservatives Turned Into a Soft-core Hate Party So Gradually, I Hardly Noticed

How in the ever-loving Eff could someone not realize that the Conservative Party of Canada was now a party willing to weaponize hatred to gain support, money, and Internet trolls? It’s apparently really GD easy. Yeah, I’m swearing, because this isht is ludicrous.

Maybe the first clue for CPC voters should have been when their interim leader was caught wearing a Trump MAGA hat in a non-ironic way. Or they could have caught on when a literal Nazi was invited to hang out with CPC MPs? Or when their current leader took coffee and donuts to the Flu Trux Klan occupiers of Ottawa whose manifesto was to dissolve the House of Commons and prevent people from getting medicine or being protected from the raging pandemic?

More recently, there’s a coordinated international attack on trans youth, from Texas to New Brunswick, to Saskatchewan and back down to California. It’s vile and it’s so obvious that it’s been called out by the Prime Minister (who isn’t known for being frank and honest about a lot of things, to be honest and frank).

The blog post title is reference to a Simpson’s joke where Marge in the future is watching Fox TV, and soft core porn comes on and she mentions how Fox now broadcasting porn happened so gradually that she didn’t notice they crossed a line. Canadian Conservatives have crossed a line this past week. Will voters notice in time to stop the rising fascism? History suggests they will not.

I don’t expect Conservative voters to notice or care that their dear leader Stephen Harper who heads the IDU, had one of his key guys indicted on RICO charges in the US for organizing a criminal conspiracy with Donald Trump. Seems like international coordination of bad things is a Conservative trait. Maybe that’s why they’re projecting about the WEF and other conspiracies they’ve cooked up to claim that the Liberals are somehow worse than they are.

Hundreds of Kids Found Dead In Unmarked Graves

Canada is a normal settler-colonial country with a dark history of genocide against Indigenous peoples

The Minister doesn’t seem aware, or in charge since this is his tweet upon the discovery of the graves:

Maybe stop fighting survivors of these Residential Schools in court, Liberals?

Plague Update: Cons Spin The Blame Bottle — Lands On Selves

You read this PPE shame before on my blog, but it was brought up in a mailing by local Conservative MP M. Kram.

  • “Never-Ending Blunders – Tons of PPE from National Stockpile destroyed”

Now, here are the facts:

CBC News reported Wednesday that last year (2019), the government of Canada threw out two million N95 masks and 440,000 medical gloves when it shut down an emergency stockpile warehouse in Regina.

A spokesperson for the Public Health Agency of Canada, which oversees the stockpile, said in an email that the masks and gloves had been purchased in 2009 and “had passed the limit of five years for their use, as recommended by the manufacturer.” The masks expired in 2014.”

If you can remember 7 years ago, Stephen Harper was Prime Minister, and his government didn’t replace the masks which would have then expired 5 years later in the stockpile while Justin Trudeau was Prime Minister. Would they have thrown out freshly expired masks in 2019, instead of 5-year expired ones? Who knows? As it stands, each PM shares some blame for having Health Ministers not on top of emergency preparedness. So, why does Kram mail out a Liberal criticism list that mostly applies to his party as well?

Kram’s propaganda

“Failed to fund domestic vaccine production facilities”

How did Canada lose such a national gem? In 1984, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, the greatest “privatizer” of our time, sold off Connaught Laboratories in two public issues, and it has since been resold, merged, side-swiped and wasted away to next to nothing. Said Liberal MP Jim Peterson at the time: “No industrialized country … would permit the takeover of its leading biotechnology firm.””

Meanwhile, the Saskatchewan Conservative Premier is in favour of locking up northern Saskatchewanians in their half of the province, but not locking out Albertan plague rats.

“Premier Scott Moe says Saskatchewan is not planning to install checkpoints at provincial borders, a move the NDP says the province should put in place to monitor who is coming and going.

Alberta has reported 659 new cases of COVID-19 over the last three days, while Saskatchewan has reported 24 over the same period.

On Thursday, Moe announced further restrictions regarding northern travel.

The public health order restricts all non-critical travel in and out of the Northern Saskatchewan Administrative District (NSAD), which covers nearly half of the province but has a low population relative to the rest of Saskatchewan.”

If it can be done for northern Sask, it can be done inter-provincially too!

In its latest COVID-19 update to physicians on Thursday, the Saskatchewan Health Authority reported that “uncontrolled intra- and inter-provincial travels is driving ongoing transmission and [facilitating] the speed of variant spread.”” –CBC

Geeze, it’d help if our Premier wasn’t a raging lunatic, hell bent on ignoring medical scientific advice, and just letting people (who aren’t northern Saskatchewanians) go where ever they please even if they *cough cough*, don’t feel well.

  • “Wasted millions on a feel-good “pandemic postcard” program”

It’s really effing ironic to be reading that from a tax-payer funded propaganda sheet with a printed cut-out postcard next to it, as Kram uses Canada Post on your dime to collect data for his insane party of hypocrites.

Conservatives Reject Reality

Sucks to be a country where the Official Opposition party rejects longstanding science that a grade school kid can understand. For ideological and economic reasons, the Conservative Party of Canada won’t accept that air pollution is bad. They won’t even accept that it’s air pollution, instead, the veg-heads erroneously call excess carbon dioxide from fossil fuel combustion “plant food”. And this is the party that was in charge of Canada between 2006 and 2015. Horrible.

Conservative Party members reject policy to recognize that ‘climate change is real’

On Saturday, Conservative Party delegates voted by a margin of 54% to 46% to reject a policy that would add the statement “climate change is real” to the party’s policy book, and recognize that “Canadian businesses classified as highly polluting need to take more responsibility.” The vote came just hours after Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole told delegates that the party “cannot ignore the reality of climate change.””

With how terrible the Conservatives are, the Liberals’ lacklustre, and even bad, management of the climate crisis has been getting a pass. Should Trudeau’s minority government fall during the pandemic, there’s a chance that the anti-science, racist CPC could come to power again, so I get why partisan Liberals are nervous. It’s not like there’s anything concrete for them to point to 5 years into their mandate to do far more, when their hero bought a pipeline, and has yet to build a solar or other renewable power grid where Canada still pollutes with coal burning. Emissions are up, not down.

And the carbon tax fight the ridiculously Conservative SK Government is leading the charge in, goes to the Supreme Court next week. Will the top court side with the stupid people who don’t care if the world burns?

Up Is Down, Left Is Right, Idiots in Government

These are examples of why the US and Canada cannot have nice things. We’ve idiots in government. Who put them there? Was it voters, or people with even more direct influence like Donald Trump and Stephen Harper?

EPA Pruitt is touting a long discredited idea pushed by Heartland Inst. and so-called “Friends of Sci.”.

Can’t blame Premier Wall on Harper or Trump, unfortunately. He’s all your doing, SaskParty voters.

For a Decade It was Harper Horror

Now, it may be Trump’s turn to make everything worse. I’m not planning on blogging about Trump very much, however. The man gets far too much attention, and that’s one of the things that brought him to power in the United States. While Harper was wrecking Canada, I couldn’t help but write about his lying, cheating, and bad governance. I think I can help writing about Trump. Today is an exception. Sorry.

Many of his supporters are fully delusional. The example below says “Only dopes use snopes,” referring to the meme/fact-checking website with an excellent reputation for explaining the root of misinformation circulating online. To attack Snopes, Stefan cites Breitbart, a racist “news” site which backs Trump.trump-supporter-delusional

What brought up this shameful incident again?

A Tax on Everything Is Coming

Run for the hills!

I realize several people who I’m friends with, think Premier Wall is great for Saskatchewan. I’ve never held a high opinion of the man, I think he’s arrogant, short sighted, and nothing close to a “man of the people” that he pretends to be. When was the last time you were invited to Bilderberg as he is?

For a decade we’ve endured his constant fiscal mismanagement of our province, giving us deficit budget after deficit budget, and what do we have to show for it? Our boom/bust economy is still so fragile, that Wall admits a $10/tonne #carbontax might cripple it, even though that’s the equivalent to a 2.4 cent/L gasoline price increase by reasonable calculations.

People who live in Regina may remember the last mayor refusing to raise property taxes. Not so hard when property values were stagnant, but then 2006/7 came around, and prices doubled or tripled here. Without the benefit of incremental changes, many were caught with their pants down.

Now the same has happened with the Liberals back in Ottawa, and with 10 years of Conservative stagnation on incremental environmental pollution controls, we’re going to experience a little sticker shock when we have to buy the next generation of technology to get by in the changing world.

There will be a lot of fear and ignorance on display, but what else could we expect after the Conservatives paid (using our tax money) to deliver black and white propaganda to our mailboxes, proclaiming that a “tax on everything” was coming with Dion and Goodale.

#RoboCon: Revisiting the 2008 Election Fraud

In light of this news from Elizabeth May, it may be worth re-reading these blog entries from 2012  and 2009. Duffy’s trial raised some damning information about the first infamous robocalls used to steal an election for the Conservatives in B.C.

And read Alison’s more recent recap. I certainly think that Duffy’s testimony should be taken seriously by investigators and charges should be pursued.

#Duffy Not Faulted For Listening To Harper

3 years ago, I explained what was happening with the Duffy trial. Today it came to a close.

Harper’s fan club isn’t too impressed either: