How Secure Is Your Phone?

Your phone’s security is probably not too bad, aside from it being a tracking device. And especially when someone buys state-sponsored spyware to attack you and your network:

Insane! Ludicrous! Plaid!

I knew this was a Spaceballs movie reference when I heard “ludicrous mode”. “Ludicrous speed” is attained by a spaceship in the Spaceballs movie.

It leaves us wondering what comes next for Tesla. Bizarre Mode? Singularity Generator? A test track built around the Large Hadron Collider? Actually, Musk is, yet again, one step ahead.

In a statement, the billionaire hinted: “There is of course only one thing beyond ludicrous, but that speed is reserved for the next generation Roadster in 4 years: maximum plaid.”

That’s an obscure reference to the ultimate speed in the universe, according to 1987 sci-fi spoof Spaceballs. Geeky movies aside, will human beings actually be able to cope with the sheer pace of the next Tesla Roadster? We’ll find out in 2019…

Here’s a ‘feature’ they added on April Fool’s Day:

Don’t buy Bell phone insurance. Get a great case with your money instead.

ConCalls: Documentary Underway

I was interviewed for the E-Day documentary film being wrapped up this Summer. What’d I say? You’ll have to wait until it’s been all put together. I can’t wait!

Please help Peter put this movie in front of thousands of Canadians.

Hilldog16 on SnapChat?

I have a Snapchat account. I’ve not used it in years because it was making my cell phone too full. Imagine if Hillary Clinton had a Snapchat account too, for government business? Her’s would be used for an illegal purpose, like her personal email was. You may recall Sarah Palin got into trouble (without apparent consequence) for this sort of thing too.

I’m Boring, Ignore Me: Supreme Court Ruins Privacy

I think people who say they are too ordinary, law abiding, and boring for police to violate them, are more wishing that were true than stating a fact.

Will the police keep the phone as it keeps generating evidence? For how long? Can you refuse to provide your password or will the police IT department bypass it?

In Gary Shteyngart’s 2010 novelSuper Sad True Love Story of a terrible future, everyone walks around with an “apparati,” a data-collection rating device on their chest. It’s like wearing an open cellphone. This court ruling takes us one step closer to this.

And it is very easy to be arrested. It just happened to a friend’s teenage son, the victim of two 30-year-old men following him around filming him and harassing him. The boy, wrongly accused of aggression, was strip-searched. He’s too young to have any secrets on his cell, but I thought he was too gentle a kid to be arrested in the first place. I was wrong.

He was vulnerable to lazily vicious cops. You think it cannot happen to you. Maybe it will.

Ottawa Attacked

A sad day of note in Canadian political history, as Parliament Hill was under gunfire today. A soldier was also shot at the nearby War Memorial.

Putting the day’s events into perspective though, are Canadians less safe today because of our political leader’s choice to take us to war in Iraq against ISIS? Possibly. That threat shouldn’t mean a single change to our daily lives though, since we don’t alter our behaviour to avoid the much more deadly threat of being killed by a home-grown drunk driver.

I’m collecting reports as this unfolds, because it will be interesting to see who got what wrong.
“Credible sources tell @SunNewsNetwork there may be as many as five active shooters in #Ottawa sunnewsnetwork .ca/sunnews/canada/archives/2014/10/20141022-100348.html ”

Hear, hear!

Ottawa 2011

If I was still in Ottawa, I’d be on the Hill tomorrow, inviting others to watch the partial solar eclipse through my camera.



ADDED 1:25pm SK time (MDT)

A body is seen 2 minutes later:


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ConCalls: Make The Documentary of #ElxnFraud in #cdnpoli

Alison at Creekside has a much better summary of what’s happening behind the scenes on the RoboCon movie than I could hope to write. Warning: If you keep reading though, you may feel the urge to spend $20 or more dollars toward exposing Canada’s most effective election fraud criminals.

Ten minute promotional video on an investigative documentary in production which previews preliminary interviews. from The Script & Film Co. on Vimeo.

Borg at #UofR on Privacy

MP for north shore Montreal, Charmaine Borg, made a presentation at the UofR this morning.

Of the things she noted was that cell phones are tracking devices, and Canadians have no way to follow their information to know who has it.
Charmaine met Erin and said she had an important question for him. She instantly asked him the question Hoback did; it was funny.

Privacy contracts are not decipherable by some lawyers let alone teens.

Borg: it’s “extremely problematic” the Conservatives scrap a census as a “#privacy violation”, while using cyber back door to violate us.
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ConCalls: Who Did The Domestic Calls? #RoboCon #elxnfraud

Some behind the scenes numbers about Elections Canada’s impotent investigation into illegal robocalls…

[note Prime Contact, which came up in the blogosphere earlier this week.]

81. At the national level, the Conservative Party, using data from its Constituent Information Management System (CIMS) database, called through two primary telemarketing companies: Responsive Marketing Group (RMG) for live calls, and RackNine for automated calls. Individual candidate campaigns used a variety of telemarketers. For its part, the Liberal Party used its Liberalist database and called electors through two telemarketing companies, Prime Contact and First Contact, while individual candidate campaigns used several telemarketers …

83. They were unable to establish the content of that call or determine that the call received was the one about which the elector submitted a complaint. As a result, in many cases, it was simply not possible to gather any information confirming the allegation made by a given complainant that he or she had received an inappropriate call.

So, because there was no recording of the crime, investigators and Elections Canada overlooked the testimony of witnesses from whom they were able to obtain evidence of phone calls made to those multiple people with the same complaint?!
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