Plague Update: 40% Chance After only 3 Infections

What is Tik Tok and the news not telling you?

“The pile of evidence continues to build that you don’t want to catch Covid.

Moderna recently released a report confirming that your odds of developing Long Covid go up with each infection, hovering at 40 percent by your third. (The report cites a number of studies we’ve seen before.) The highest rates are happening among the age group 35-49.”

If you want to protect yourself, you need to consistently wear a respirator in public spaces because there is no Public Health infrastructure remaining to protect you instead.
e.g. If you have children going to school, you’re pretty much hosed if they don’t consistently wear a respirator and try to eat where there’s suitable ventilation. So as I was saying, you’re hosed. Still, you should try to keep your lifetime infections under 3. Especially if you’re already suffering from Long Covid exhaustion and other ailments exacerbated or caused by SARS-2.

Can you hear the effing crickets?

Plague Update: Biden’s Failure

Criticism of Joe Biden is presently conflated with support of Donald Trump. This criticism is not in support of Trump’s failed pandemic response. Bleach?!

In Canada, the PM and some of his family have had COVID-19 multiple times, at least twice. It will eventually impact his ability to govern. His failure is similar to Biden’s, even if the scale is smaller due to a smaller population, and provinces having more responsibility for public health.

Plague Update: Exploding Measles Threat

No, the latest measles don’t make you explode, I meant the threat is rising thanks to anti-waxxer ignorance spreading across the globe. And war, that’s infamously good at helping disease take hold of the population. Many of the people in charge of stopping health ignorance and control of diseases, have abandoned their commitments to the public, however.

“[Political Health] actively [and incorrectly] told parents that kids will get immunity by catching covid, and they’re now afraid to say “no! it’s not the same for measles!”.
If they say “no, it’s better to stay off school than to catch measles”, then they acknowledge that health is more important than attendance, and you know they’ve been telling you to send your kids sick to school for nearly two years now.” -1goodtern

Close the schools, make them safe during a pandemic. That means clean air, uncrowded classrooms, and respirators worn when there are extremely dangerous airborne viruses detected in a community. And make sure kids and teachers are vaccinated, then open the schools up again. To do less is to cause irreparable harm to kids. It’s so disgraceful that has become the status quo.

Plague Update: SARS1 2009 News, Viewed from 2022

How many mental health problems seen since the pandemic started are actually blamed on changes in the brains of people infected, and not on some scapegoat like quarantines that kept more people healthy for longer?

Plague Update: From The Past

It’s January 27th, 2022, but you’re reading this in the future.

I’m writing this after my intended bed time, having just helped a friend learn how to purchase an NFT. I guess you’ll know how that turned out.

It was a pretty standard day working from home. The dog got let out into the back yard a few times, the kids got into the video games of all sorts once home from school, one bumped their head on the table playing with the dog, and the cats remained skeptical of the value of having a dog.

Supper was vegetables, sausage, perogies, and chocolate cheese cake for dessert.

In the news, the Omicron variant has mutated into a stealth version, while there are hundreds of truckers rallying against Trudeau for the Conservative and the parties.

Premier Moe pissed off some journalists when one of his PR flacks told them they shouldn’t ask about his disastrous interview with Saskatchewan’s Shock Jock.

And the climate crisis melts on, with the massive Antarctic glacial shelf poised to start its coast-altering slide into the oceans. Most people remain blissfully ignorant of this pending danger to disrupt daily life, instead focusing on land-grab/NATO tensions along the Russian/Ukraine border.

Liberals Are Right About Conservative Intentions

But the Liberals are wrong about the solution. Their betrayal on electoral reform has given the CPC’s PP power over them. They could be working collaboratively to implement things the NDP also want, instead there’s a sword hanging over their heads according to polling.

They’ve cast aside every lesson the pandemic taught them, from CERB, to not letting respirators go to waste. Canadians can’t even get the most effective updated vaccine, Novavax.

Plague Update: It’s Still (Not) Over

BC isn’t helping old people with COVID-19. Seems like eugenics. Can you imagine the scandal if this happened 2 years ago?


Glop & Pail: More People Are Dying Than We Care To Account For

An anti-waxxer would read that headline and think it’s a nod to vaccine injuries, but they remain mal-informed idiots. No, the cause is the pandemic, and how governments after making moderate to significant effort to flatten the curve and attain COVIDzero in some regions for significant portions of time later abandoned all hope. Usually when a government says, or does abandon all hope, a significant number of people die. The pandemic is no exception here.

Mass infection by SARS-CoV2, repeatedly, has borne fruit. People are withering on the vine. Millions more disabled by the virus than who were unable to work or function prior.

Dear Health Authority Without The Infection Control

To follow up my Dear Premier letter,

Dear Saskatchewan Health Authority:

Your capable employees had booked me for a routine appointment at a hospital in Regina. To get to my appointment, I’d have to run the gauntlet to the admissions desk where I could be exposed to potentially bio-hazardous air with pathogens likely to include SARS-CoV2. Throughout the rest of my appointment I could be treated by staff without appropriate PPE recommended by Health Canada to prevent the significant risk of Hospital Acquired Infections like that one.

I have a care link home monitor that allows your capable medical people to get routine diagnostic data from my implanted device, similar to every ~6 months since it’s been installed almost a decade ago. It was used during the height of pandemic caution, to reduce in-person hospital trips that could increase the risk of expanding chains of infection.

While you have at the direction of the Minister of Health stopped routinely requiring low quality masks in SHA facilities, it’s your medical duty to do better. The Minister of Health could not order you to reuse sharps for example, there’d be push-back from doctors who realize the harm this would do to a number of patients while putting staff at risk too. Still, that makes as much sense as failing to require masks where visibly sick people go to get help.

Red Cross in Canada lost their role to collect blood donations specifically because they failed to control infections during a pandemic. What will SHA lose when people look back at your culpability in people dying from COVID-19 acquired in your facilities?

I cancelled my appointment, and I’m letting you know it’s because of your anti-scientific policy of not requiring well-fitting respirators on patients and staff who can use them to reduce airborne pathogens in your facilities. I hope I stay healthy long enough for you to come to your senses, or until you can adequately protect me (and others) without me purchasing a P100 or similar mask just to see my doctor in some relative safety. A man with a heart condition shouldn’t risk catching a vascular disease in a hospital or doctor’s office with dirty air.

People should be able to go to a hospital with a reasonable assumption that they’ll leave it with no additional diseases than when they arrived. That’s less possible in your facilities right now, statistically speaking. I could easily bring home a deadly disease to my family, just because the Health Minister(s) want to fit in with other health authorities unwilling to explain their lax change to mask policy during an airborne pandemic.


John Klein
Regina, SK

P.S. The appointment was pushed back more than 10 days, since I was in the USA during the original appointment time, but there’s still that archaic policy being enforced. It was created when it was thought ‘novel coronavirus’ was only found in travelers from the USA. Whoever is responsible for making health policy make sense, really doesn’t do a very good job.


Regina Client Concerns, SHA

Thank-you for reaching out. This auto-reply is just to let you know that Client Concerns (Regina area) has received your email.

Please know that if you are in care in one of our SHA, the Manager of the department or unit may be able to assist you in a more timely manner.

Our office hours are 8am-4pm Monday to Friday, closed Statutory holidays.

Saskatchewan Health Authority”


“Thank you for sharing your concerns with us. Your feedback is valued and appreciated.

I will forward your email to our senior leadership team for their review and consideration. It is our utmost priority to provide our clients with safe and efficient care, and we consider all feedback instrumental in achieving this objective.

Jennie Antal

Client Concerns – Associate| Patient Safety – Associate
Quality and Safety
Saskatchewan Health Authority”

Plague Update: What Victims Look Forward To

If you’re not among the millions killed outright by a SARS-CoV2 infection, your arteries have been stiffened.

From a video by Dr. Rae Duncan at Newcastle University:

Why are stiffer arteries a concern?

Why else could it be an absolutely terrible idea to infect everyone with this virus and its variants?

A majority of Canadians have been infected. At least 2/3rds.

If 80% of a 1/3rd develop tremors later in life, that’s approaching 1 in 4 people. This sound like a manageable health crisis still?