War And The Spineless Ontario NDP

Terrible. Stiles caved to pressure from an Apartheid government currently engaged in acts of genocide during a war escalated by a terrorist attack by Hamas. Stiles doesn’t want an MPP willing to speak out against a foreign government openly waging an asymmetrical war in response to a terrorist attack. Having humanity doesn’t poll well in Ontario, perhaps?

All the terrible people who support a government bombing hospitals and refugee camps while committing the war crime of genocide by attacking an entire civilian population to turn their homes into “islands of ruin”, really don’t like these tweets.

If the response to a terrorist attack is genocide, who are the bad guys? Trick question, there’s no good guys in that conflict. And people pointing it out are not the ones creating the terrible war killing thousands of innocent people.

This is not unique to “labour” parties in Canada.

How Dishonest Is Premier Moe?

He’s lying about the impetus for the hateful Parental Bill of Rights that he’s (illegally) using to cancel Charter Rights of children.

How could RBE be to blame for something New Yorkers were criticizing in February, and New Brunswick’s PC government got slapped for already?


Scott Moe is “Perplexed”

That’s a fancy word for insincerely idiotic.

His government is so despicable, the Human Rights Commish had to resign to retain her integrity as a human being an parent, but he pretends he doesn’t know why while POStmedia lets him play stupid with a weak headline that avoids the context of his perplexion.

Conservatives Turned Into a Soft-core Hate Party So Gradually, I Hardly Noticed

How in the ever-loving Eff could someone not realize that the Conservative Party of Canada was now a party willing to weaponize hatred to gain support, money, and Internet trolls? It’s apparently really GD easy. Yeah, I’m swearing, because this isht is ludicrous.

Maybe the first clue for CPC voters should have been when their interim leader was caught wearing a Trump MAGA hat in a non-ironic way. Or they could have caught on when a literal Nazi was invited to hang out with CPC MPs? Or when their current leader took coffee and donuts to the Flu Trux Klan occupiers of Ottawa whose manifesto was to dissolve the House of Commons and prevent people from getting medicine or being protected from the raging pandemic?

More recently, there’s a coordinated international attack on trans youth, from Texas to New Brunswick, to Saskatchewan and back down to California. It’s vile and it’s so obvious that it’s been called out by the Prime Minister (who isn’t known for being frank and honest about a lot of things, to be honest and frank).

The blog post title is reference to a Simpson’s joke where Marge in the future is watching Fox TV, and soft core porn comes on and she mentions how Fox now broadcasting porn happened so gradually that she didn’t notice they crossed a line. Canadian Conservatives have crossed a line this past week. Will voters notice in time to stop the rising fascism? History suggests they will not.

I don’t expect Conservative voters to notice or care that their dear leader Stephen Harper who heads the IDU, had one of his key guys indicted on RICO charges in the US for organizing a criminal conspiracy with Donald Trump. Seems like international coordination of bad things is a Conservative trait. Maybe that’s why they’re projecting about the WEF and other conspiracies they’ve cooked up to claim that the Liberals are somehow worse than they are.

Plague Update: Moe’s Dropping Numbers

Hmm. So Moe was against blockades when done by Indigenous people.

What Moe said about the origin of the convoy was a lie too. It was orgnaized by far right hate groups as an insurrection, and they sucked anti-waxxers in for extra goons and cover. Moe gives them cover.

Some of Moe’s numbers are actually going down.

Plague Update: #FluTruxKlan rally loses $9M from GoFundMe, and sued for $10M more

GoFundMe has frozen further donations from going to the convoy organizers. This was at the request of the Mayor of Ottawa, among other authorities becoming desperate to end the blockade peacefully.

GoFundMe announces freeze of the fascists’ funding:

GoFundMe supports peaceful protests and we believe that was the intention of the Freedom Convoy 2022 fundraiser when it was first created.

Suuuure GoFundMe, their intentions started out “peaceful”, while being organized by Pat King of Alberta. who said in previous videos a lot of homophobic and white supremacist things, and that they’d solve their problems with bullets. That’s why the good folks on both sides showed up with their racist flags in the first place too. King thinks the flags were flown as a false flag to sully his spotless reputation… as a bigoted violent racist.

Justin_Ling :

“James Bauder, the founder of Canada Unity and the architect of the “trucker” convoy to Ottawa, has said Trudeau “needs too[sic] be arrested and charged for treason, and for participating in committing crimes against humanity.”

The media has some people doing a good job of reporting on this, but this insurrection attempt is being downplayed in lots of places too as a protest against vaccine mandates, instead of a vast, far-right wing attack on the Prime Minister and legitimate government of Canada.

Meanwhile, Moe and his CPC buddies are rolling out the red carpet for the protesters who manage to limp home with their own funds.

CBC neglects to point out in their headline that Moe’s claim is disinformation. His threat to remove public health protections is real, however.
That’s why all the American flags, the Confederate flag, Trump flags, etc.

And then, some GoFundMe collateral damage happened. Caryma is a legitimate journalist, and GoFundMe just screwed her out of $7000. They’ll have yet one more thing to answer for to Parliament.

What is it about Conservative MPs and Senators that draws them to rallies with fascist flags being flown? Hmm, if only we could know what they’re thinking.

No Truth

Manitoba’s new Minister really put his foot in his mouth. The leader of the Official Opposition put him in his place.

Why are Canadian Conservatives like O’Toole and this Manitoban willing to publicly defend the Indian Residential School genocide program?

Hundreds of Kids Found Dead In Unmarked Graves

Canada is a normal settler-colonial country with a dark history of genocide against Indigenous peoples

The Minister doesn’t seem aware, or in charge since this is his tweet upon the discovery of the graves:

Maybe stop fighting survivors of these Residential Schools in court, Liberals?