War Crimes Upon War Crimes

What’s worse than bombing a hospital? Bombing a refugee camp, turning it into a death camp. The excuse:

There was apparently a Hamas commander there. So if the first devastating blast killed him as the IDF claimed, why the followup attacks on refugees and emergency workers there?

It’s not acceptable for the PM of Canada to ignore this blatant war crime by the IDF.

War Breaks Out In The Middle East

An evergreen headline, because the war basically never ends.

If you google for “Israel killed journalist” it doesn’t know if you want contemporary results, or ones for the infamous incident where unpunished Israel snipers killed a journalist last year.

The situation isn’t complicated. There’s a repressed population in Gaza, and they recently attacked Israel using guerrilla tactics used against the Russian oppressor in Ukraine. As well they took many hostages who were Israeli civilians. Israel in response threatened the Palestinians with genocide, the PM pledging to turn their civilian buildings into “islands of ruin”. Canada’s PM expressed full support for the Israeli PM’s call for genocide, possibly making Trudeau an accomplice if it’s ever prosecuted as a war crime.

There is nowhere for Palestinians to flee to; their border is controlled by the Israeli PM who threatened them to leave. Many people on both sides of the conflict have died already, and an end to the bloodshed won’t come from bombings and rocket attacks from either position.

Evergreen Jon Stewart Daily Show sketch from more than a decade ago

Glop & Pail: More People Are Dying Than We Care To Account For

An anti-waxxer would read that headline and think it’s a nod to vaccine injuries, but they remain mal-informed idiots. No, the cause is the pandemic, and how governments after making moderate to significant effort to flatten the curve and attain COVIDzero in some regions for significant portions of time later abandoned all hope. Usually when a government says, or does abandon all hope, a significant number of people die. The pandemic is no exception here.

Mass infection by SARS-CoV2, repeatedly, has borne fruit. People are withering on the vine. Millions more disabled by the virus than who were unable to work or function prior.

Charles In Charge

Well, it finally happened. The Queen of Canada died, at 96 years old. She passed a couple days ago at her Scotland estate, and I still haven’t heard a cause of death, but I doubt the COVID bout she had earlier this year helped her any. Prince Charles gets promoted to King Charles III, and is now the King of Canada. That looks so weird to write, like it’s the 1950s again.

David Milgaard Dies

A man who helped define the Canadian justice system as deeply flawed, has died at age 69. David was sent to jail for a murder that he didn’t commit. The real killer later went to jail for other killings, and was proven the killer with the advancement of DNA evidence decades after the killing. David got out, and reportedly spent his time as a free man assisting others who’d been wrongly convicted of crimes.

Plague Update: Worst Among Us

I practically couldn’t believe this, except I know BoJo is not a fine bloke.

Man too stupid to realize he brainstormed how to commit suicide on live TV, with the intention to instead calm the public down, has additional ideas regarding how to handle a more contagious virus:

And on the subject of brain-dead idiots in charge of governments, Premier Moe went on the radio with Saskatchewan’s Shock Joke, err Jock, to wax poetic about the days when restaurants didn’t have screening for irresponsible plague rats like himself.

Every other time Moe reopened Saskatchewan it was an unqualified success, so why wouldn’t the next time be as awesome?

Oh, right, the thousands* of dead people.


*Mortality during the pandemic has been about 4000 people more than the standard death rate.

What does it take for newspaper columnists, who don’t write for the Prairie Dog Mag, to speak frankly about the Sask Government deciding to let more people die? We don’t find out, in the next link:


Plague Update: No Moe Bragging Rights

Apparently the only reason no one in Saskatchewan died of COVID-19 the last couple weeks, was computer error, not reality. Of course Premier Moe was bragging only yesterday about his great numbers compared to Quebec with their public health measures he removed or refused to use here.

Thanksgiving Sadness

My Mum passed away in the early morning of Thanksgiving this year. She’s being missed by all who cared for her, and nearly everyone who met her cared for her because she was a lovely person.

I didn’t know what to put on my blog about this. I’ve been braced for this time for most of a decade, with her first getting very sick almost 8 years ago. She wasn’t expected to survive, but the surgery and chemo then worked, and she outlived my Dad who got cancer after her, but died first. They joked that they were racing to see who would first. Mum lived to her mid 70s, which is a whole lot better than mid 60s, but of course I’d rather mid 90s like her Mum, my Grandma. Cancer took both my parents, which sucks.

I have memories of a lifetime, and also special ones kept safe online like this one from the National Film Board where she makes an appearance:

Plague Update: Moe’s Killing People

“Minister Merriman, like Premier Moe, seems incapable of either hindsight or foresight.

Our government must understand that a combination of strategies is required, rather than relying on vaccination alone.”

Moe has acted slowing, telling us he’s monitoring the crisis that’s limiting healthcare.

Plague Update: Oh No, Not Again

The election in Canada is on Monday, and the Conservatives are annoyed that HarperCon Kenney is trying to stop his province’s healthcare system from burning down completely by then.


And Saskatchewan’s numbers per capita are worse while Moe and Merriman and Duncan do nothing to Flatten the Curve or try to get us to #CovidZero.