Plague Update: Exploding Measles Threat

No, the latest measles don’t make you explode, I meant the threat is rising thanks to anti-waxxer ignorance spreading across the globe. And war, that’s infamously good at helping disease take hold of the population. Many of the people in charge of stopping health ignorance and control of diseases, have abandoned their commitments to the public, however.

“[Political Health] actively [and incorrectly] told parents that kids will get immunity by catching covid, and they’re now afraid to say “no! it’s not the same for measles!”.
If they say “no, it’s better to stay off school than to catch measles”, then they acknowledge that health is more important than attendance, and you know they’ve been telling you to send your kids sick to school for nearly two years now.” -1goodtern

Close the schools, make them safe during a pandemic. That means clean air, uncrowded classrooms, and respirators worn when there are extremely dangerous airborne viruses detected in a community. And make sure kids and teachers are vaccinated, then open the schools up again. To do less is to cause irreparable harm to kids. It’s so disgraceful that has become the status quo.

War Crimes Upon War Crimes

What’s worse than bombing a hospital? Bombing a refugee camp, turning it into a death camp. The excuse:

There was apparently a Hamas commander there. So if the first devastating blast killed him as the IDF claimed, why the followup attacks on refugees and emergency workers there?

It’s not acceptable for the PM of Canada to ignore this blatant war crime by the IDF.

War And The Spineless Ontario NDP

Terrible. Stiles caved to pressure from an Apartheid government currently engaged in acts of genocide during a war escalated by a terrorist attack by Hamas. Stiles doesn’t want an MPP willing to speak out against a foreign government openly waging an asymmetrical war in response to a terrorist attack. Having humanity doesn’t poll well in Ontario, perhaps?

All the terrible people who support a government bombing hospitals and refugee camps while committing the war crime of genocide by attacking an entire civilian population to turn their homes into “islands of ruin”, really don’t like these tweets.

If the response to a terrorist attack is genocide, who are the bad guys? Trick question, there’s no good guys in that conflict. And people pointing it out are not the ones creating the terrible war killing thousands of innocent people.

This is not unique to “labour” parties in Canada.

Thoughts & Prayers to [____]

After the terrible attack by [___] on the good people of [___], we’re sending payers up to the victims.

If you aren’t being accused by radicals on either side of the battle of being terrible, you’re probably not taking a stand at all. Please try not to do it like the Beebs, or Curtis below though.

War Breaks Out In The Middle East

An evergreen headline, because the war basically never ends.

If you google for “Israel killed journalist” it doesn’t know if you want contemporary results, or ones for the infamous incident where unpunished Israel snipers killed a journalist last year.

The situation isn’t complicated. There’s a repressed population in Gaza, and they recently attacked Israel using guerrilla tactics used against the Russian oppressor in Ukraine. As well they took many hostages who were Israeli civilians. Israel in response threatened the Palestinians with genocide, the PM pledging to turn their civilian buildings into “islands of ruin”. Canada’s PM expressed full support for the Israeli PM’s call for genocide, possibly making Trudeau an accomplice if it’s ever prosecuted as a war crime.

There is nowhere for Palestinians to flee to; their border is controlled by the Israeli PM who threatened them to leave. Many people on both sides of the conflict have died already, and an end to the bloodshed won’t come from bombings and rocket attacks from either position.

Evergreen Jon Stewart Daily Show sketch from more than a decade ago

Switch to Wind, Water, Solar, and Save Billions

$2B saved since Ukraine war

Wind and solar power plants generated 46.3 terawatt-hours of electricity between May 1, 2021 and April 30, 2022, the data [in Turkey] showed.

“Without these power plants, underutilized gas-fired plants or coal power plants relying on imports would have had to run in order to compensate for them,” the report added.

“Assuming that all 46.3 TWh power was generated by gas-fired plants, this would mean wind and solar power replaced $7 billion extra gas imports during that 12-month period.””

W Gaffes Again

The Republican Party didn’t become disgusting when Trump came to power, it’s been terrible for over 20 years. How can you tell? W Bush just confessed to knowing the Iraq War was wrong, during one of his infamous public speaking gaffes. Obama’s Democrats letting him skate away from responsibility for the deaths of over a million people has inspired Biden’s Democrats to do the same for Trump who has also caused the deaths of over a million Americans by mishandling the COVID-19 pandemic so badly. And the GOP is supported by Fox News which is using the xenophobic expression “illegal babies”.

Nuclear War Not Humanity’s Only Option

Aside from the insane invasion of democratic Ukraine by the Russians, there’s another pending catastrophe in store for humanity anywhere between this afternoon and the next 5000 years. Destruction from space rocks slamming into our atmosphere is a near certainty in our solar system, but we have technology that can sometimes detect them in advance, and other technology being tested this year that can divert collisions.

Here’s a really interesting theory about a now well studied destruction of an ancient city that made it into Biblical stories.

This year though, we’ve come closer to nuclear war than any other time I can recall. Take time time to enjoy the 1964 cold war comedy: “Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb”.

We shouldn’t stop worrying, or love the bomb, but it’s hard to know how much worry, anger, and hope to throw into one’s daily life right now.

Cut What?

Why does Bernie need to compromise, and not the warmongers who blew billions on a failed war in Afghanistan?

Speaking of Afghanistan though, why did America fail? It was never intended to win.