Conservatives Turned Into a Soft-core Hate Party So Gradually, I Hardly Noticed

How in the ever-loving Eff could someone not realize that the Conservative Party of Canada was now a party willing to weaponize hatred to gain support, money, and Internet trolls? It’s apparently really GD easy. Yeah, I’m swearing, because this isht is ludicrous.

Maybe the first clue for CPC voters should have been when their interim leader was caught wearing a Trump MAGA hat in a non-ironic way. Or they could have caught on when a literal Nazi was invited to hang out with CPC MPs? Or when their current leader took coffee and donuts to the Flu Trux Klan occupiers of Ottawa whose manifesto was to dissolve the House of Commons and prevent people from getting medicine or being protected from the raging pandemic?

More recently, there’s a coordinated international attack on trans youth, from Texas to New Brunswick, to Saskatchewan and back down to California. It’s vile and it’s so obvious that it’s been called out by the Prime Minister (who isn’t known for being frank and honest about a lot of things, to be honest and frank).

The blog post title is reference to a Simpson’s joke where Marge in the future is watching Fox TV, and soft core porn comes on and she mentions how Fox now broadcasting porn happened so gradually that she didn’t notice they crossed a line. Canadian Conservatives have crossed a line this past week. Will voters notice in time to stop the rising fascism? History suggests they will not.

I don’t expect Conservative voters to notice or care that their dear leader Stephen Harper who heads the IDU, had one of his key guys indicted on RICO charges in the US for organizing a criminal conspiracy with Donald Trump. Seems like international coordination of bad things is a Conservative trait. Maybe that’s why they’re projecting about the WEF and other conspiracies they’ve cooked up to claim that the Liberals are somehow worse than they are.

Reality Sinks In For Trump, Indicted Again

The Reality is that Trump is no Winner. He’s Snowed-In. He’s headed to the big house, not the White House.

There are actual photos of the stolen boxes of documents, some in a shower and bathroom!


There are things going on. From absurd numbers of kids home sick from school, to the Grey Cup going on today in Regina.

The most vocal civilian critic of the SaskParty’s support of abusive religious schools (who were teaching dinosaurs were around with Creationist people), had their home vandalized with bible verse graffiti. They fled, and their home was torched, killing some of their pets and destroying their belongings! A fundraiser is attempting to help them. I’d like to see it exceed their goal, to show that the governing party’s thugs can’t chase good people away.


Doug Ford in Ontario kicked an ant hill and almost got bit. He legislated workers back to work with the Notwithstanding Clause in the Charter, overriding their Charter right to collective bargaining. He caved when he saw a general strike was imminent. The fines were so big, the unions had to fight to the mat and beyond to win.


The US election looks like the Democrats will take the Senate and the Republicans the House. Fingers crossed that the GQP doesn’t take a majority in the House, so it won’t be tied up with stupidity for quite as long. The counting and recounting is taking quite some time, and there’s a runoff in Georgia again between Walker and Warnock this time. Walker is a complete idiot, so he’s got a chance.


Russia just launched missiles into Poland the other day, a dangerous escalation of their war against Ukraine. There are Russia supporters claiming this was disinformation, and that Russia didn’t launch an attack, even accidentally, on Poland.

Hammer Fox News

Fox News would like its viewers to think that political assassination is an everyday occurrence, and the perps walk the next day.

Row Row Row Your Boat

Gently off a cliff,
Throw the women overboard,
Republicans want a tiff.

The Trump Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which for half a century put an end to most low-quality abortions in the United States. The Handmaid’s Tale gets ever closer to looking like a documentary, instead of a horror novel/movie about the decline of the American empire into a theocratic, dystopia. I feel bad for American women; most don’t deserve the terrible consequences Republicans/Christofascists want for them.

Maybe Democrat supporters will realize their party is too wimpy to do anything useful. It’s too corporate-owned to matter.

Top Story of June 10, 2022? Former President Trump Tried a Coup

There’s no question Trump’s insurrection attempt on January 6th, 2021, was a coup that failed.

Trump Tries Coup, Fails, Gets Twitter Ban Finally

It took almost 2 days following the attack on the US Capital by GOP terrorists, but Twitter banned the ring leader Trump from their platform, after first only giving a 12 hour suspension.

Bonus concern:


Pelosi doesn’t have the gumption.

She’s been bluster only, for years.