CBC Porn? #CBCporn

Sun News has a reputation for not being very accurate, in an attempt to excite their right wing base. They also employ professional liars. One story told by SUN involves CBC broadcasting porn, which isn’t what they do, obviously. This exaggeration was repeated by a CPC candidate in #YYCcentre on Saturday night, and prompted her mockery on Twitter, nation wide. It remains a Top Trend on Twitter, hours later as I write this.
(www.torontosun.com/2012/02/01/is-the-cbc-paying-for-porn) No, they are not. Anyone taking Sun News at face value deserves the figurative egg that ends up on their face.

Peter Gzowski on Morningwood? (Morningside was his radio program)

5 responses to “CBC Porn? #CBCporn

  1. I think Sun News is soon gonna be a thing of the past. How long can they ride off the sponsorship coattails of sierrasil and christian mingles?

  2. So let me get this straight. Simple basic question. Would you, as a father, allow your under 16 year old child to watch this ? ( I especially like the 1:20 mark) sunnewsnetwork.ca/video/1428263919001 the other part you might like dubya dubya dubya dot sunnewsnetwork.ca/sunnews/canada/archives/2012/02/20120201-190249.html

    Look for dubya dubya dubya dot tou.tv and search for the show ‘hard’. This is a CBC paid for web site. As if there isn’t enough FREE PORN on the net? This is your tax dollars at work. This is a program purchased from France, enriching FRENCH actors and nothing to do with Canada. Yet we pay for it. Imagine, the Canadian government, through taxpayers, pays for internet porn. They CAN’T FIND FREE PORN ON THE INTERNET. How incompetent are these people?

    If Saskboy wants to have this type of material available for children, I think it’s abhorant. That Saskboy would readilly provide this type of material to 10 year olds, I feel is criminal. Then again, Saskboy thinks it isn’t pornographic.

    No BS, look for yourselves. Don’t believe a right wing provocateur. Or, for that matter, a left wing malcontent. As adult Canadians judge for yourselves… you’re adults you, yourselves decide… you can do it.

    As much as you say “not being very accurate, CBC broadcasting porn, which isn’t what they do. This exaggeration…” OK, WHAT IS EXAGGERATED???????

    Is oral sex exaggerated? Is banging in the grocery food isle not exaggerated? If it’s not CBC why should Pierre Lacroix be justifying this porn? “Hubert Lacroix told QMI Agency on Friday that the show, which is produced in France and has sexually explicit content, is popular in Europe. He added buying the rights to the show only cost taxpayers $15,000, which is considered low.” dubya dubya dubya dot torontosun.com/2012/02/10/cbc-french-boss-nothing-wrong-with-hard

    Visit tou.tv search for ‘hard’. Decide your yourselves. Don’t be a sheeple.

    • I’m not answering your questions, because this article is about pointing out how Sun News is a propaganda machine for the CPC and its trolls, to try and change the conversation to stupid things that don’t matter. Your question doesn’t matter, and your opinion doesn’t matter in this case. It’s not much different if I started questioning you why you think it’s okay to club baby seals – it’s a non-sequitur, there’s no way for me to know if that’s really your stance, and it’s a blatant distraction from serious issues.

      • No, actually the post is about, as the title clearly denotes, Sun media lying. The basic question is then: is the show “Hard” provided by tou.tv-> overseen by RDI-> a division of CBC pornographic or not? The answer is obvious. Would you allow a 16 year old to view it? Would you allow a 16 year old to view it in the accompaniment of a 37 year old? The reason you’re not answering is because you would have to face the truth. Irrespective of ones political affiliation, viewing material like that, with a minor would be unacceptable.

        The show is piad for with taxpayer monies provided the CBC. If you want, nay DEMAND, that Prime Minister Steven Harper be responsible for everything below him, why don’t ye judge equally, the corporate CBC?

        PS. One more thing puzzles me. How can Sun News be “a propaganda machine for the CPC and its trolls” when you clearly said “This exaggeration was repeated by a CPC candidate”. Ummmmmm, wouldn’t THAT evidence kinda’ prove reverse of your supposition?

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