One Piece At a Time

… and it didn’t cost me a dime. – Johnny Cash

I went to the latest Design Regina public forum Tuesday night, at Artesian on 13th Ave. That building is quite impressive inside, including a clever use of bathroom space downstairs. Check it out sometime.

Anyway, at the meeting the city gave its perspective on what was discussed at the consultations, and the crowd was mostly accepting, with some of us wondering what happened to the education component provided by the Real Renewal Citizens’ Circle, and the urban agriculture. There were lots of public comments on recycling, and pedestrian and cycling safety as well. I pointed out after the meeting that the city has bylaws that hamper urban ag., including the livestock bylaw (no chickens allowed, while NYC can have them!), and the tendency of the City to let snobby neighbours determine that no one can grow food in their front yard, and must spray commercial chemicals to control “weeds” like dandelions.

As I left the meeting, feeling good about how the night was going, and eager to bike home to talk more with Mr. LaRue of RoboCon investigatory fame, I checked to see if I could throw my bike onto a bus. Then glancing down at my bike locked to a stop sign, I noticed it had no seat. I’d not taken my seat with me, so this was quite an unwelcome surprise. Two years ago, someone quick-released my front wheel, and now my original seat will also need replacing. Thieves are getting my bike one piece at a time. It will no doubt cost me about 250 dimes. I roamed the neighbourhood in search of some hooligan carrying only a bike seat, but saw no one fitting that description, so I caught the #4, and went home.


Musical interlude: Translate Canadian to American.


I’m feeling better about how things will work out in Canadian politics after the Council of Canadians finally filed in court for byelections to be called. And LaRue’s comment here helped a great deal too:


Suddenly feeling much better about things. Political things.

If one honest man with the most known knowledge of RoboCon, is feeling good about how the truth will come out, then I’m hoping the guilty find it a little harder to sleep. They deserve less sleep than LaRue’s been getting while fighting serious illness and massive government corruption.

Other people with more pieces of the RoboCon puzzle who’ve been reporting their brains out the last month include these bloggers and journalists you simply must follow:

Alison at Creekside

Dave and crew at The Galloping Beaver

Sixth Estate

Ross K at The Gazetteer

Nancy at Impolitical


Maher and McGregor

Terry Milewski at CBC News


Many ProgressiveBloggers

** This list can and must grow, please send your blog address in the comments if you’re a RoboCon blogger (or read one not listed) too.

*** Bonus points if you can find a Conservative blogger calling for justice regarding RoboCon, without them also suggesting it was people/party for who there is no evidence to support an accusation, let alone a suspicion.



Tuesday night I also got some underwhelming photos of northern lights.


9 responses to “One Piece At a Time

  1. For the wonderful efforts by the traditional or mainstream journalists, I’ll always be grateful. However, the incredible surge via a new paradigm is stunning .. blogs, tweets, emails, dialogue.. everyday Canadians extending & exceeding the scope and reach of traditional TV, radio and print media. All combined.. I see caring and concerned Canadians are meeting fraud, bluster, denial, week kneed ideology, hypocrisy and partisan agenda… with curiosity, diligence, effort, typical can-do attitude, leadership.. and a highly attuned sense of what makes us Canadian Eh .. Props to all of you .. I’m very thankful..

    • You’re very welcome DW! We Conservatives just keep plugging ahead trying to do whats best for our great nation. With encouragement like yours it gives us heart to keep on fighting the good fight!

  2. More fine whine, this time from the Council of Canadians! From Sask’s reference “A citizen advocacy group is asking the Federal Court of Canada to overturn election results in seven ridings… The Council of Canadians says pre-recorded robocalls and live calls influenced the outcome of votes in closely fought races in British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Yukon and Ontario… not included is the riding of Guelph, the epicentre of the robocalls”

    But where are the court action ridings? Here’s one “Yukon, where Liberal incumbent Larry Bagnell was defeated by Conservative Ryan Leef by 132 votes. The Yukon News has reported that identified opposition supporters in the riding received calls” And who are these opposition supporters? Why Sylvie Leonard and Bob Nardi.

    Who are they? Glad you asked! Sylvie Leonard – Yukon Area Council for Public Service Alliance of Canada Youth Committee and is married to Jean-François Des Lauriers who ran as a NDP Yukon candidate and is PSAC’s Regional Executive Vice-President for the North. While Bob Nardi is Communications Officer Yukon Employees Union. Who both happen to remember a phone call 10 months later.

    No ulterior motives there tho’…. no sireeeee.

    • Says the self-identified “Conservative” saying that there’s no reason to believe the “Conservatives” engaged in electoral fraud.

      This is why I would delete your comments. You’re a total idiot who brings nothing to the conversation but absurd lies and offensiveness.

      • Zounds Thwap thou hast mortally wounded me with thine comments! I recoil at thy drubbing I have faced at thine hands.

        Are you captain of your schools debating team?

        Are you still getting there on the short bus? Ha ha ha!!!

  3. Pingback: ChitChat; Twitter and CVAF | Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff

  4. Pingback: Stolen Bike Alert | Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff

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