Robocall Scandal May Blow Over

It’s been more than two days now since the media caught hold of the latest Conservative election fraud scandal. Are they going to let go? Only time will tell. For the meantime, Twitter is buzzing with the news, and funny hash tags like #CPCCluetheBoardGame where people describe a Conservative committing an amusing crime. It was Peter McKay, with a fishing pole, in the helicopter! Does subversion of democratic elections in up to 27 ridings (now 37 ridings), hold any sort of sway with the 24% of Canadians who voted ‘anything but corrupt Adscam Liberal, or NDP Socialist’? Will it take wicked-funny hashtags on Twitter to keep microbloggers and mainstream media interested in unprecedented electoral fraud in Canada?

The National Post. They started out strong on the Robocalls topic. On Friday, their headline called Michael Sona, (a “young” Conservative employee) a “victim” of the scandal. Sona is actually an accused co-conspirator in the fraud (the others yet to be accused publicly, and evidence around Sona’s involvement isn’t public either, it’s implied by the CPC throwing him under the oncoming bus), in great part due to his questionable actions in Guelph during the special poll at UofG, and that Guelph was one of the ridings targeted with fake Elections Canada phone calls from RackNine, paid for by the Conservative Party of Canada.

The Conservatives, after pleading guilty to Elections Act violations in the In & Out fraud, where they spent more than their allowed limit, and attempted to get a bigger election tax rebate than their entitlement, was not the extent of their illegal cheating. They’ve also used other lie-filled autodialing, including a case they admitted to openly. There is certainly a disturbing pattern of contempt for democratic elections from our Conservative party.

There’s no shortage of bloggers watching this. A few to keep your eyes on include The Sixth Estate, Creekside, and Mound of Sound, The Gazetteer.

Conservative MPs, Michael Sona unable to pass Turing Test to prove they are not robots. #robocall #Rack9000 Just what do you think you are doing Dave?

19 responses to “Robocall Scandal May Blow Over

  1. 524.1 of the Election Act says we have to have new elections in those ridings. It takes an elector in each affected riding to make a complaint to start things. We cannot allow this to be swept under the rug or our Election Act is just a piece of paper and we are that much closer to fascism.

    • Contempt was swept aside to elect this Reprehensible government, and I don’t know if Robocon is a big enough scandal (even though it’s the biggest in years).

      The Governor General could decide to dissolve Parliament if he really wanted to reboot our democracy.

  2. The snowball seems to be gathering momentum still, so I’m crossing my eyes for luck. Imagine if Elections Canada declared the elections in the affected ridings void and the Tories lost some seats in the ensuing by-elections? I’ve seen numbers from 12 to 27 in the media so who knows. But, Harper’s lead in the House is 24….it’s possible given enough of a surge that he could lose his majority in that scenario.

    Harper has managed to piss a lot of people off. And my opinion on Canadians is that they may not vote for change, they may not vote for ideology but they sure as hell vote for REVENGE!

  3. Thanks for alerting me to the problem on my website. I took the widget down.
    And regarding this scandal, I hope the focus shifts to the MPs who were elected using these sleazy tactics. They knew about it, or should have.

    • Most certainly some of them knew. “Harper knew” used to be a low key meme, and could be used again and again and again. He knew about Cadman bribery attempt. He knew he gave a blank cheque to (other) bad people to suppress the opposition voters.

  4. The hell with all politicians really. It doesn’t matter who you vote in, its always the same old shit. The Conservatives talk democracy and the pull this nonsense. They espouse the rights of individuals and then trample on said rights. The Liberals spend my hard-earned money on all sorts of bullshit schemes like gun registries that accomplish fuck all and think that having a former Ontario premier as leader that everyone thinks is a fuck up will somehow help them. And the NDP whine and moan and swear in Parliament like that shit head Pat Martin. Fuck them all. I refuse to vote anymore. None of these clowns represents my interests. Every last one of them is only in it for themselves. They are all like old sled dogs I used to see when I was in Nunavut…..when they outlived their usefulness, the humane thing was to take them out back and shoot them. Fuck every last one of them.

  5. BC people do not forget and we never give up. We are still on Gordon Campbell’s ass, for the theft and the sale of our BCR. That was nine years ago. We want Campbell charged with, corruption, theft and treason. We want our BC Railroad back, and we won’t quit until we get it back.

    Canada is a cesspool of corruption. Since Harper’s ?majority?…Canada has steadily gone downhill. Harper is permitting China to buy out the tar sands. China is bringing their own people over, to work their vast tar sands projects. China refuses to pay Canadian wages. China refuses to pay injured workers WBC. They refuse to comply with Canadian rules, laws and work regulations. Contractors are having a little trouble with China not paying them. China pays their own people, starvation wages. Stupid Harper is handing China, our Canada on a silver platter. And still, no-one will wake up.

    In BC corrupt Gordon Campbell, shipped some of our BC mills to China, along with our raw logs. This put 141,000 BC mill workers, out of jobs. China also owns our BC mines, thanks to Campbell. They are bringing their people to work the mines too.

    Harper thinks he made a deal with China. He will protect China’s company’s in Canada. China is to protect Canadian company’s in China. Seems Canada is having a little trouble with the corrupt Chinese ripping them off. Canada was only too happy to send our industry to China, to exploit the cheap labor and the even more cheap child laborers, who only earn pennies a day. I have not one lick of sympathy for them. They got exactly what they deserved.

    BC has been totally given away. We have had all our assets and resources thieved and gone. Fadden of CSIS, warned of China’s encroachment into Canada. China owns all of BC, and Alberta is going too. China has hundreds of Company’s in Canada, they will bring their own people to staff their company’s.

    So perhaps people will understand, BC will fight Harper, the Enbridge pipeline, and the dirty Chinese tankers, right to the last ditch. The only profit from the dirty tar, goes to China and now China is stealing all the jobs. China also wants to do their own refining. So Canadians lose out on those jobs too.

  6. I agree, it will blow over. Nothing really happened except someone wasted money trying to re direct voters. No one I know answers robo calls, liberals especially. Liberals they say are a intelligent lot.They are not the type to get taken easily.I have no reason to doubt this.Liberals are too smart to get taken in by this.

  7. Pingback: RoboCalls Resolution? General Election Will Happen | Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff

  8. Pingback: RoboCon: Pierre Poutine Recording, Production Order Warrant for RackNine, CPC Payments | Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff

  9. Pingback: Parade of Disgraceful Conservatives | Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff

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