ConCalls: Not Serious? Get Serious!

Conservative Hide
It should be obvious to most people that the Liberal Party of Canada isn’t behind the vast majority of illegal phone calls made to voters during the May 2, 2011 election. If they were, the Conservative Party would have already bowed to public opinion to call an inquiry, and surely finish the Liberals off for a generation. Adscam’s inquiry was a big part of how the Conservatives were able to hold onto power for the last half of the last decade. Harper must be sweating bullets this week, however. Canada’s Chief Electoral Officer Marc Mayrand will be presenting some findings from an Elections Canada investigation into illegal robocalls made in the riding of Guelph, and should also note that more illegal calls made across the country also need a detailed investigation, judicial inquiry, or Royal Commission.

How do we know the Conservatives are worried? They took the only exposure-minimization card and played it by making Mayrand report to a committee at the same time most of Ottawa’s media will be locked up so they can look at the budget before the general public hears the details. CBC’s Kady O’Malley has said on Twitter that she intends to hear Mayrand rather than attend the lockup, but she might be compelled by CBC to ignore Mayrand in favour of the budget, or she may just change her mind. Worse still, the Conservatives may force the committee to hear Mayrand’s report under a shroud of secrecy, in camera, so Liberals and NDP MPs cannot talk about the findings without risking repercussions. The media should be encouraged to all attend Mayrand’s report, stop being silly/blind, and if they are forced to wait outside, they should be as grouchy as they were for the NDP leadership convention, even though delays were in part due to an attack. Reporting on the budget can wait a few hours, it’s not a national emergency — and it won’t mean much if Mayrand’s report is thorough.

To recap the Conservatives’ stance on the RoboCon scandal:

  1. The CPC doesn’t know anything about it.
  2. The Liberals did it. Maybe the NDP?
  3. A rogue Guelph volunteer did it, and only in Guelph-and-area where we lost anyway, so no harm, no foul.
  4. The “rogue”, Sona, goes rogue and refuses to lie down in front of our CPC bus.
  5. Most of the complaints are from an American .ca website, so they don’t count because they’re all lying, because they hate Conservatives.
  6. The 700 complaints are all in Guelph, or are mostly all fake.
  7. We don’t know anything about RoboCon, but here are detailed phone records of Pierre Poutine. (Even though they contradict the findings of Elections Canada’s investigation thus far.)

And what’s the next response going to be?
It’s a mountain out of a molehill. Tempest in a teapot. The people who got ‘dirty trick’ calls were only Liberals, and voted anyway, no biggie. Every party does it. It’s an administrative dispute. Free speech?

OK. Listen. There are honest Conservatives in Canada, and they are going to start beating their heads against their desks whenever they hear any of the expressions of dismissal I just listed. There are piles of evidence that logically points to a conspiracy (plotted crime by two or more people) to misdirect and dissuade voters. The evidence, and the behaviour of senior Conservative Party MPs, point to some sort of national party involvement. Canadians should watch very carefully this week as dishonest Conservatives continue to attempt to minimize very serious Elections Act violations.

Imagine it’s 2007, and a bitter election is underway in Saskatchewan. Kids who favour the NDP kick down election signs for the Sask Party. Bloggers, particularly Conservative, SaskParty, and Blogging Tories (1), hype those crimes until the vandalism becomes a national news story. There were calls on the Internet for these kids to never be hired for a good job, to pay a fine and go to jail, and to be publicly shamed on the John Gormley Live radio show (2). Watch these same people now if they have the same level of outrage over more serious election crimes. I’d prefer we stop this spreading, anti-democratic virus that’s infected our country and is giving it a heart attack from way too much Poutine.

“This is another important reason why the Left is on the wane. Most civilized people regardless of their leanings, don’t like thuggery.”
“This may sound a bit extreme but, this kind of thing does bring to mind the history of brown shirts,swastika’s and brainwashed youth…………it just seems so familiar.”
“[Those] who think this is a tempest in a teapot, are, IMO, either woefully ignorant or wilfully obtuse about today’s youth […] The arrogant and destructive behaviour of these young men is no small thing: it shows the utmost disrespect for the rights of others. If that’s the mindset that motivates them, stay tuned for more self-referential, selfish, anti-social behaviour. I don’t think they’re the kind of people one would want for an employee, a son-in-law, or father of one’s grandchildren. Yes, PMSH’s Crime Bills, which, I believe, will contain some “Broken Window” provisions, can’t come too soon.”


52 responses to “ConCalls: Not Serious? Get Serious!

  1. My suspicion is that Mayrand’s testimony will amount to a big pile of nothing. He’s not the Commissioner, and even if he was, I can’t imagine he’d be unveiling a great deal of information about an ongoing investigation. If what he was going to say was really that incriminating, the Conservatives would simply prevent him from coming before the committee in the first place.

    One piece of good news: I’d estimate a 95% chance that the hearings at which we hear the aforesaid pile of nothing will be public. The Conservatives aren’t going to want the optics of a secret hearing. And if anything truly explosive was revealed in camera, I’m reasonably certain that more than one opposition MP would be perfectly happy to say as much in public and face whatever came of it. Probably the Libs and the NDP would be fighting over who got to go first, if that were the case.

  2. “the Liberal Party of Canada isn’t behind the VAST majority of illegal phone calls” So basically what you’re saying is that making these calls is fine, it’s the amount of the calls that bothers you. Is that correct?

    • I don’t know why that comment gives you that idea. It means when all is revealed, there will be many more Conservatives in jail and fined than Liberals. At this point there’s one violation of the Elections Act that I’m aware of, in Guelph, by the Liberals (didn’t disclose who recorded an issue based robocall). On the other hand, given evidence known already there are at least two Conservatives involved in the plot uncovered in Guelph, and all of the live-callers who impersonated Elections Canada could face charges, as well as their script writers. Vaughn CPC had a second bank account according to affidavits, which means more jail or fines for more Conservatives. And LaRue claims to have evidence of two CPC MPs knowing of RoboCon — means more jail and majority implosion.

      • Vaughan also failed to identify donors to the Fantino election campaign in 2011, from what I can see on the Elections Canada website. On the whole that is probably a less serious violation, if it is one at all, but it is a little bizarre.

  3. I can’t believe in all of this not a single Con has crossed the floor yet, cowards what, this question begs to be asked does Treason Stephen, right wing riot control crowd have hanging over their heads? Or are they simply so ghoulishly greedy that they are waiting silently for their pensions while Canada is sacrificed for Harper’s extreme iron fist Fascist right?

    I urge you all to write your rep’s and ask these kinds of questions, maybe we can have a moral awakening of sorts if they haven’t already sold their soul to the devil himself Stevie.

    • Perhaps, Mogs, it’s because once you’re on a winning team you believe in you tend to stay put. Unlike Dipp leader ‘Liberal’ Tommy Mulcair and Lieberal leader ‘Dipper’ Boob Rae, Conservatives stand for loyalty, integrity and trust. Three qualities the also-rans should keep in mind.

  4. You’d think that considering the CBC gets over $1,000,000,000 in taxpayers money they’d be able to send a second reporter to Ottawa to cover news.

    Wouldn’t you?

    Unless of course even the CBC thinks this lame media-scandal is a dead horse no longer worthy of flogging.

    • Wow this guy is brilliant! Imagine 2, YES 2, reporters employed by CBC whoda thunk it? And for only $1,000,000,000! What a bargain! Whats next? Fiscal responsibility? Vote Liberal Tommy Boy Mulcair! Vote Dipper Boob Rae. Oooops dated statement!!!!

      Thanks Sask for the platform!!!!

      ACDC ROCKS!!!!! :~)

  5. redjeff….don’t kid yourself…this is no longer a “media-scandal”…this is so far off the radar it’s time for the memorial service !

    The only “coverage” this is getting is from left-wing basement dwelling bloggers like this one….but if you have read his father’s letter to the editor you must realize that the apple didn’t fall to far from the tree.

    The only ones left trying to resurrect this dead horse are just a bunch of old Liberals, still cryin’ in their beer and a bunch of younger left wing ideologues who think they are the smartest people in the room and know what’s best for you and me…meaning thier twisted view of a world full of sparky cars , 32 volt lighting plants in the cellar of the grandparent’s homestead, home made bread, stewing your own tomatoes on the commune , walking to school, and of course everyone having an equal share…..well I’m here to tell them that system has been tried before and FAILED !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So my advice…GET OVER IT……Stephen Harper is the Prime Minister of Canada for at least the next two election cycles and all the bitchin’ and whining and diggin up old bones is not going to change that……you will find that acceptance is the answer to your problems and leads to a much happier life…so SaskBOY get up from the computer and go outside and enjoy spring before it’s gone…stop hurtin’ you’re head and get on with life cause at the rate you are goin’ you are wasting your life away !!!

    • Hi Mooner! That’s what I thought. I don’t have TV so I can only read the stories via computer. What I’ve noticed is a lack of coverage outside of partisan sources. Everywhere else it seems a dead issue.

      These ‘scandals’ are no more than political party points with all of the ensuing hystrionics, palpitations and swooning like aged Nellies hearing their first cuss word!

      It’s akin to their caterwauling over ‘Conservatives only got 40%’ of the popular vote therefore lack legitimacy. They’re too dense to understand that the last 2 governments to achieve this mythic number were Mulroney and Diefenbakers’. Irony, like brains, isn’t wasted on them! Haha!!

      Even the blatently obvious goes over their heads. The idea that such ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ thinkers can only envision state control should be their own wake up call…. but it isn’t.

      The truely saddest part is that these ‘useful idiots’ actually think they will matter in their ‘new world order’. What they forget, or never new in the first place, is that these ‘movements’ inveritably eat their own!

      • RedJeff’s comments are actually a little bit worrying in how they are so so close to how the other perspective on democracy sounds when talking about NWO. What is very sad though is that he claims to be in favor of democracy, but supports none of the required elements for a democracy to survive.

        It is stupidity, partisan blindness, or is he actually being paid to say these things?
        Someone couldn’t be so “brave” without some sort of help.

      • Sask, “RedJeff’s comments are actually a little bit worrying in how they are so so close to how the other perspective on democracy sounds when talking about NWO…”

        So hows that European Union workin’ out for ya!! ;)

      • I’m eagerly awaiting an explanation of how the European Union is related to Pierre Poutine.

        Ooh, let me guess: saying that people who violate election laws should be strung up is morally equivalent to running up huge debts in support of an unsustainable welfare state. Am I right?

      • Being paid???? Hahahahahahaha!!! Don’t flatter yourself. You’ve cost me 84 cents in electricity today!!! Don’t worry tho’ I’m rich enough to afford it!

      • Actually 6th, I was talking about Sask’s NWO.

        Seriously, all I hear about is the unification of Libs and Dipps. Who leads those parties? Where is their provenance? You boys are lining up to sell your soul. Lib-Dipp-Green-Bloc are you really THAT willing to surrender your principles and ideals simply to share power?

        I’m not.

      • You seem to be under the impression that I am a member of either the Liberals or the NDP. Strangely enough, I am neither. Or Bloc. Or Green.

        Instead, I have two priorities: the rule of law, and democracy. I want the Liberal campaign in Guelph prosecuted for their election call just as much as I want the people behind “Pierre Poutine” caught and strung up.

        Is that the whiff of principle I hear in my own words? Weird…

      • Using the terms “rule of law” and “strung up” seems a bit oxymoronic doesn’t it? You can always drop the ‘oxy’ part.

        Other than that, what the hell are you gibbering about?

      • Actually no. Here’s why. Reform, Alliance were both off shoots of the Conservative Party. More right wing than their parent. They did the right thing by forming a SEPARATE entity INCREASING peoples choice. The true meaning of democracy. The increasing of freedoms. The ‘return to the fold’ was a result of the main party having to compromise, represent and return to it’s grass-roots constituency.

        Lib-Dipp is a RESTRICTION of choice. An elimination of options. I see it’s Thwaps but is this also your form of ‘democracy’?

      • Ooh, you’re right! Because I was seriously advocating lynching there!

        Please. That’s the most idiotic explanation of party politics I’ve ever read. You realize that the Conservative party was formed by coalition to begin with right? Every party was. Hence, every party is a restriction of voting choice and therefore, by your logic, evil.

        I guess we should all vote for the Marxist-Leninist Party. At least they don’t compromise with anyone!

      • If you advocate lynching 6th so be it. I don’t. Like all Conservatives I expect rule of law in Canada.

        If you wish to vote Marxist so be it. Again, as a Conservative the most important thing to me is that you have the same rights as everyone else. Conservatives believe in fairness and equity. For all.

      • “Like all Conservatives I expect rule of law in Canada.”

        I am fortunate that I was not drinking milk while reading that. Unfortunately, Canadians are not so lucky for you to know what you’re talking about. Would be nice, but you’re seeing things through rose coloured glasses. Is that why you’re “Red”jeff?

      • Since you believe in the rule of law, then I assume you, like me, believe one of the highest priorities in the country must be to ensure that electoral laws are obeyed and that those who violate them are identified and brought to justice.

        And since that is the case, I really can’t understand what we’re fighting over here.

      • 6th, if it were truely the case of only respect for the law, the activist group Council of Concerned (with nothing but partisan hype) Canadians would have sought byelections in ALL affected ridings rather than, as they have done, only ridings where their political idiology would give them an edge.

        When Joe Volpe, whose handler is filmed removing Green Party election literature from peoples mailboxes mere steps ahead of Joe himself during a neighbourhood walkthrough, complains of Robocall cheating… I just have to shake my head.

        Look at Sask’s suggestion that the budget will take every minute of newscast and every page of papers because every reporter will be sequestered leaving NONE throughout Ottawa (Canada?) to cover any other news item… meaning Bobocalling!

        Listen to the crying… ‘Arggggggggh it’s the end of democracy as we know it!’

      • RedJeff, where’s an “activist group” pursuing harsher justice against the Volpe worker (who was fired)? At least the Council of Canadians is trying to right what went wrong, but where’s the effort from others you support to bring other violators into court or by-elections?

        Maybe we can all agree that Elections Canada has been too lenient on Elections Act violations for some time, and Canadians working on campaigns have become complacent to the point where they’re willing to live call people to say they work for Elections Canada, while they know they are calling on behalf of the Conservative Party of Canada?

      • Perhaps you could have phrased it better this way… “the Council of Canadians is trying to left what went wrong”. It’s more applicable.

        Your second paragraph is yet again a rehash of partisan selfrighteous anger. The saddest thing is that you seem oblivious to it! :)

      • If you’re unwilling to agree on the most basic facts, or even on the language we could converse in, there’s not really much point in talking with you. Why are you here?

      • Firstly, what you consider “basic facts” may be rightly called ‘baseless facts’. There are so many aspects to this media-scandal that simply don’t fit the Lib-Dipper narrative and thus are totally ignored. I like to make the point of reminding people about just those inconsistancies.

        I’ve seen your Peter Gleick interpretation of what, to you, is law biding and what is not. Like all of the other leftists I’ve ever known (and God knows I used to be one!!!) the moralistic self-justification of your attitudes allows your to treat anyone who disagree’s with you with outright contempt. Reread Thwap’s comments, he personifies this. Anyone who disagrees with you MUST be on some nefarious payroll because you simply can’t fathom that someone would think differently than yourself!

        It’s interesting that you mention “there’s not really much point in talking with you”…. perhaps the word ‘listening’ may someday enter your vocabulary. I come here to, on the rarest of occasion, be able to read a reasonable, rational left wing thinker. Unlike those who think that Conservative’s are the personification of pure evil, there are some out there. 6th is the closest I’ve seen here. Unlike some, I read an entire comment. How else are diametrically opposed views to reach consensus? How do you engage debate? How do you understand any other perspective but your own? Look at your comment counts. I get a response. Some are thought provoking and some are funny (Thwaps!).

        I’m here in the lions den… a lion doesn’t pussy out.

      • There’s a simple way to deal with lying pieces of shit like redjeff. Ban them. Direct their comments to the spam folder and forget about them.

        They are beneath even our contempt. They bring nothing to the conversation but evidence of their own uselessness.

      • Thank you Thwap. For personifying both the historical and current reason for fighting extreme left wing ideology. If authority has no answer they inevitably demand repression. No offense, you’re just a stereotype, that’s all. I’m sure, given the opportunity, like Fruit Fly Dave, you’d make your dislikes a crime. As I’ve said, “they first eat their own”. Enjoy your Arab Spring.

      • Says redjeff as he celebrates his team’s electoral fraud.

        Don’t worry loser. I already knew you were a shameless hypocrite. You have no credibility.

      • Redjeff, it is very obvious why you end up getting banned from so many web sites, that you’re surprised when you are not banned. You Repeat what others have said, until you drive them crazy. You’re just a troll.

      • Don’t ban redjeff. And remember Conservatives reading this — when history judges you(and it will), it will judge you by your failure to tell redjeff to take his contempt of the democratic traditions of Canada and shove it.

      • That’s right TheMusicGod. When Mulroney’s backers slinked away, they didn’t have the WWW and blogs to store their historically inept defenses of his government. These latest Conservatives will not be so lucky.

  6. Pingback: ConCalls: Write CBC and other Media | Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff

  7. Hello Saskboy I have become a daily reader of your site & wanted to say thanks for all the great and patriotic work you have been doing concerning the Robocalls, Election Fraud & the general all around scum-buggery of the Con/Reform/Teabaggers.

    It is appreciated and congrats on being targeted by Con Trolls – You must be doing something right.

    Sincerly thank you & keep up the great work.

    • Me to AJ! I always find it funny that folk with such disdain for American style politics dredge it up so much when it’s convenient. Teabaggers hah! We’ve been called “murderers”, “torturers” and “racist” on this blog. Yer in the big leagues now, get a mit(t Romney) and get in the game!

      As for targeting, well, I stumbled upon this web site concerning another post. Up until he banned me I was giving Saskboy credit for even allowing a differing opinion on his site. Thats NOT normal. As such I try my best not to hassle any poster unless adressed to. ( honestly, I thought “all around scum-buggery of the Con/Reform/Teabaggers.” was meant for me. Yah I know, silly eh?).

    • Thanks AJ, glad you like my effort. Feel free to pipe up more often whenever you see the comment threads being dominated by Redjeff (so that would be most times).

  8. Must we PITY, Poor, Pathetic RedJeff for having zero to low comprehension OR for having his head up his Arse OR for just being A James Moore Circle Jerking Wanker !!!

    I dunno for sure, cause it is FACTS that Rule My View of STEVE Stalin HARPER’s TREASONOUS CONDUCT towards Canadians.

    RedJeff I challenge you to identify yourself AND meet me at DUNDAS SQUARE, no later than noon on Thursday March 29, to debate your points !!

    I can complicate MOONER for at least knowing when to STFU … he makes his lame remarks and quickly departs.

    • Tooooo tooooo rich!!! :) “I challenge you to identify yourself…” are you serious?!??!?!!? Is denboy001 the name listed on your birth certificate???? Seriously, are you so hypocritical that such a dichotomy is irrelevent? Does it matter?

      Stalin was a left winger. You know that don’t you? To use your mirror image to exemplify that which you despise so much is simply astounding.

      Lastly, when you say “I can complicate MOONER for at least knowing…” don’t you mean ‘compliment’? I’m not gonna’ waste the gas money to debate someone who can’t even speak clearly.

      • You get called racists and torturers and frauds and thieves and closet-cases and fundamentalist whackjobs and morons because that’s what you are.

        Glad I could clear that up for you.

        Oh yeah. Mister anti-Stalin? It’s the Conservatives who want to spy on our internet activities. Your team.

        So, we’ve got you guys down for electoral fraud and unlimited government spying. Pro-torture too.

        Yet you want to lecture us? Ha-ha!

      • You are obtuse Thwap!!! :) :) :) Thanks for “clearing up” something that wasn’t asked!!!

        Other than that you’ve wasted a lot of words to say nothing! Words you will never get back!

        Keep ‘commenting’ though, fair objective people will truely see your logical points and join your line of thinking!!!

  9. Pingback: ConCalls: Tough on Crime | Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff

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