A Scandalous Opinion

Kelly McParland’s article title intrigued me at first.
“A scandalous absence of scandal in robocalls scandal”
However, while reading it, I got angry. It wasn’t about the scandal behind how many people are brushing off this severe perversion of our democracy. Kelly’s one of those people brushing it off! And he blames the Liberals for his apathy (not that he’s alone in that feeling)!

It’s possible my inability to get excited results from six years … oops, make it seven .. of the Liberals leaping to their feet every 18 seconds to accuse the Conservatives of plotting to pervert Canadian values, undermine democracy and display their contempt for the laws of the country.

I feel honestly bad for journalists who have lost their way to the point where they brush off the seriousness of electoral fraud in their own country (no matter how prevalent the incidents are, be they One up to Thirty One Thousand+).

I have a confession to make. I have not been following the robocalls “scandal” with all the fervency it calls for.

Worse, is when they admit they haven’t been closely following this major crime, and threat to our democracy, and then go on to demonstrate their ignorance, while the National Post implies we should care what their opinion is.

Would a nation-wide exercise in disruptive phone calls have any chance of going undetected?

That’s the wrong question, Kelly. Change “undetected” to “unpunished” and you’ll start to get somewhere. Ask Saanich Gulf Islands voters if they got justice after a “detected” fake NDP robocall took place almost four years ago. And could the Conservatives, who raise millions of dollars, and were convicted of overspending their 2006 campaign budget by $1.3M, afford a $52,000 fine? Maybe ask your finer Postmedia colleagues who broke the RoboCon story in February, after obtaining details of a secret Elections Canada investigation into the robocalls from RackNine, almost a year after the crime, to get you up to speed?

Because man, you’re lacking in a lot of critical knowledge about RoboCon to be writing for a national newspaper about the subject.

So, no conspiracy, no cover-up, no real outpouring of national rage. No untainted evidence that telephone hijinks were anything but a local oddity, and in a riding where the Liberals were using the same weapons. No sign that voting patterns were seriously affected, no evidence that turnout was suppressed.

Wrong, wrong, wrong, WRONG!

If it was a “local oddity”, why do we know Poutine recorded multiple messages with fraudulent voting locations, and these calls were reported in areas more than just Guelph? If there’s no conspiracy, how did local rogues in Guelph get access to a secure voter information database (databases?) without national campaign staff noticing or asking what they needed all those phone numbers for?
No coverup? If Poutine has confessed, as Postmedia sources indicated, why is his identity being protected during the course of the Elections Canada investigation, instead of announced to the public with charges for impersonating Elections Canada, and intentionally misdirecting voters away from their polls?

Thank God [or just thank the Internet] there is the Sixth Estate, because some parts of the Fourth Estate are being woefully inadequate in their duty. Do your research, then write. Don’t make it so easy for snarky bloggers to tear your professional opinions to pieces, while we’re on our lunch break.

16 responses to “A Scandalous Opinion

    • I just spoke with another Canadian who feels this will all blow over. I told him we’ll have to see in a year. He said we’ll know by Summer. If this scandal works out like the others, he’ll be right. I have a feeling (and hope) that this time Canadians have had enough of the Conservatives’ absolute contempt for us all.

  1. Perhaps if Lib’s and Dipp’s didn’t cry wolf so much, acting as if everything they didn’t like was akin to the end of the world as we know it, people would listen… perhaps. Unfortunately for them, most folk have caught on to the pure partisan nature of the complaints.

    Like those crying ‘with only 40% of the popular vote they don’t speak for the majority of Canadians’ they appear clueless that the last federal government with >50% popularity was Brian Mulroney!!

    Did less than 50% popularity make Chretien’s Liberal government illegitimate?
    Not at all.
    Did anyone care then?
    Not at all… especially Liberals.

    It wasn’t politically expedient.

    Now, for them, it is.

    • When you’re saying the same thing as Ezra Levant, you might want to give your head a shake.

      To a great extent Chretien’s drop in popularity did make his leadership as a majority, illegitimate. He stepped aside, Martin was elected as Liberal leader, and then there was a general election.

      It’s offensive to me that a call to punish electoral FRAUD is seen as playing politics. Conservatives came to power under the guise of cleaning up corruption, fraud, and illegal lobbying, and what have we got? Politicians, and Redjeff claiming ‘it’s okay, the Liberals did it, it’s our turn’.

      • Chretein, at the top of his game, NEVER got 50% popular vote… neither did Trudeau… period. Polular vote you mistake for popular opinion. Nice try tho’.

        Still not a single disenfranchised voter. Not one. Still awaiting a name.

        I know it’s not partisan showmanship so where is the righteous indignation of clear NDP voting fraud? http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/story/2012/03/13/voting-scarborough.html

        All partisan tripe. When you don’t get your way it’s an afront to democracy. With all the ensuing histrionics.

      • I gave you two names, you ignored them. I also have an anonymous source in Regina Lumsden Lake Centre who was called twice on E-Day with a bad location.

      • Can you provide a link where these 2 lost their opportunity to vote? That was the request, to show proof. Secondly, an “anonymous” source??? That’s funny!

        Finally, “talking to a wall” doesn’t seem to give you the same heart palpitations of outrage clearly on display over this media managed ‘robocall’ controversy. It’s time to drop the moral indignation act when it’s clear you’re only using it to gain political points.

        The simple fact is the reason this media scandal isn’t gaining traction is that the population has turned off it’s ears to the constant bleating of the whiners message of the evil of Harper and the Conservatives. Attempting to portray Libs and Dipps as the ‘Mothers Teresa’ of Canadian politics has been a dismal failure for a number of years now… time to change strategy.

        Even Michael Ignatieff gets it “In a speech lamenting the vicious tone of the attack ads used against him, former Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff on Tuesday told a law school audience that his party did the same thing to Stephen Harper, unfairly tarring him as a dangerously right-wing, American-style political extremist, bent on undoing cherished Canadian values.” http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/03/14/michael-ignatieff-admits-mistakes-and-airs-grievances-he-and-harper-both-denied-standing-during-election/

        Iggy’s woken up, time for the rest of the opposition to do also!

      • Go ahead and continue to defend election fraud, and ignore the evidence for partisan gain. I know you’re good at ignoring evidence. My conscience is clear.

      • So still no link where these 2 lost their opportunity to vote? Or anyone else either. If you could please provide me with this very evidence I would be gratefull. Until then may I say that your custom blinders are working exceedingly well! ;) (Were the paid for by government vision care? ;)

      • We’ve had this chat before. You claim a point. I provide counter example(s) to your point. You again claim your point and ignore my response.

        It’s tiresome, and you should stop it before I have to put a stop to your repetitive, willfully stupid remarks.

      • Actually, you give an opinion, I ask ANYONE to provide proof, then you threaten to ban me for asking awkward questions! :)

      • Will all of these people interviewed answer your request for some names?

        Don’t bother saying no, your answer is easy to guess:
        “That Terry guy is such a hack, and he tricked all of these people into saying the same thing.”

  2. Mcparland is a clear example of how low journalistic standards have fallen in our times.

    I have often pointed to his poor workmanship recently and this article on the robo call scandal is no less worthy of scorn than most of his gibberish. He explains the basis for his points much like a one two three dance step. but that’s as far as it goes before it runs out of logical reasoning and facts. Once he has walked himself to a dead end, he simply jumps to another three step going no where point that proves no more than his previous point did.

    In one of his most recent offerings he tries to blame Jimmy Carter for the Taliban and the undeclared war in Afghanistan. The abject stupidity behind his point of view in that piece and his clear short comings in respect to history, are enough to make my case as to the worth of anything he writes.

    I suspect he is either on the backside and downside of his career or maybe he just works cheap. I never read the National Post until recently and thus wasn’t exposed to his work. If he were a bond and I was a rating agency, I would assess his worth as junk status.

  3. Pingback: Poutine Getting Stale – Facts Stay Fresh | Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff

  4. Pingback: ConCalls: Where There’s Smoke – There’s Fire and Mirrors | Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff

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