Saskatchewan Politicians Excusing Drunk Driving #SKdrunks

Darcy Moen, involved in a business solution to decrease drunk driving, sent me the following criticism of Wall and Broten:

As long as politicians think DUI’s are nothing more than parking tickets…….yes, attitudes need to change, and both Brad Wall and Cam Broten need to reconsider their support of the indefensible.

Sure, people faced the music, went to court, and paid their debt to society. But, we don’t allow people who were convicted of fraud become finance minister. Should we let those who are proven and convicted of poor judgement be put into a position where they can make the rules that they chose to ignore?
Everyone deserves a second chance? Tell that to the widows, widowers, parents and orphans that are the victims of drunk drivers, where is their second chance to come back to life taken from them?

Drunk driving is a decision, a very WRONG decision.

Brad Wall’s government is attempting to make alcohol sales and distribution easier, and is profiting from the sale and increased sale and accessibility, yet he has not made any plans to offset those gains with more responsible use of alcohol, nor has he plans to reduce the already way to high incidents of drunk driving that is sure to occur with more availability (and consumption). Why not move some of those profits into reducing drunk driving?

Mr Brad Wall, and if elected, Cam Broten, both need to take a hard look at this problem, and work to find solutions. Mr Wall is currently the man at the wheel, and his administration and crowns he controls have not been fair to the companies like Zero 8 that are also working hard to provide services to take drunk drivers off the road. SGI and the Minister responsible for SGI have been making and placing the majority of public service ads promoting bus rides, friends, and taxis as a means to a safe ride home, and very few ads include designated driver companies like Zero 8. When the Minister (June) was asked why she could not include designated driver companies like Zero 8 Designated Drivers, she said a crown corporation could not promote for profit enterprises. What the heck is a taxi service? Its a FOR PROFIT Enterprise! The problem and complete misunderstanding and attitude reaches from the bottom, to the very top.

On a side note, the coverage of other registered parties with full slates in this election has been so pitiful. The revelation of how many convicted drunk drivers there are in both the Sask Party and NDP, prompted the media to attempt to be fair by asking the other parties if they too had convicted criminals in their ranks.

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