Shutting out CTF would help Saskatchewan people tackle moral deficit

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation may not seem to consume many resources, but that’s an illusion. They occupy our newspapers. They occupy our newscasts. The amount of public time put into debating their hair brained theories has been significant over the decades.

“Governments routinely increase spending by a percentage point or two. Shouldn’t they be able to trim a little when necessary?”

Government funded media should trim coverage of the CTF, as it has become necessary to talk about positive social changes available to us. Instead the media is focusing on bad ideas that benefit only the oligarchy that operates the CTF.

“If we act now, we can trim the budget with a scalpel rather than a chainsaw. Reducing spending by about 1.8 per cent would eliminate Saskatchewan’s operational deficit.”

So trim the Regina bypass a little, or the football stadium, or the CCS plant in Estevan. Stop paying millions in fines to Big Oil because of a bad contract that was a bad deal for taxpayers.

Here’s an even better idea [I say with as much modesty as the CTF ever uses]. Each media organization promoting the CTF’s whining about the cost of STC should buy a bus ticket and a motel room for a traveling journalist, and send them out into rural Saskatchewan to talk to people on buses, and in small towns. Do that once a week. Make it a regular feature if it’s popular. Imagine a journalist surviving in Saskatchewan without a car, and only their camera, notebook, phone, and wits [and a reasonable expense account, and perhaps a folding bicycle].

Heck, I’d consider breaking my Postmedia boycott even if they used this idea to gather real Saskatchewan news and stories. It makes a hell of a lot of more sense than depending upon media releases and crappy oligarchy op-eds from the seven member CTF, for news content filler.

4 responses to “Shutting out CTF would help Saskatchewan people tackle moral deficit

  1. More from MacKay and CTF, not mentioning the disaster in shutting STC without replacement service being available at the closure.
    “It takes great leadership to recognize when a plan isn’t working and change it. The province’s budget plans aren’t working. Saskatchewan needs a renewed resolve to make a better plan for the future.

    First, let’s have an honest conversation about where we’re at.

    Saskatchewan needs to break the cycle of over-budget spending and dependence on ever-increasing oil revenue projections. It will be hard and even unpopular. But it is the task of great leadership.

    Todd MacKay is the prairie director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.”

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