Can Postmedia Be Trusted?

Newspapers have a duty to publish public concerns. However such concerns, when unsubstantiated, poorly researched and ill-expressed should be confined to the letters page.

The editorial boards of both the Star Phoenix and Leader Post have made it abundantly clear that they support coal with carbon capture. However that ship has sailed and renewables now represents a $5-
billion industry that could generate thousands of jobs across Saskatchewan. Isn’t it about time for our Province’s two largest newspapers to get on board with this new reality?

The Leader Post’s legacy assets like Mandryk and Johnstone have fondness for Wall’s Carbon Capture and Storage boondoggle, and a distaste for those speaking out against it like David Suzuki. What shows up in the paper today, after the dreadful anti-wind op-ed yesterday?
Boundary Dam carbon capture project is better than many think” -Frank Proto

If it weren’t for Greg Fingas appearing in the columns section, the LP would be a near total wasteland when it comes to critical thought and expression.

4 responses to “Can Postmedia Be Trusted?

  1. For the last 10 years, the Cons have kept their friends at Post Media / Sun / Bell / Rogers with their brainless propaganda campaigns, costing taxpayers billions.
    Without that gravy train to run the machine, Post Media is nothing but an expensive write-off to their US owners.
    Let’s hope the PostMedia death spiral is quick and absolute.

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