What’s in Store for Canada

In 2011 Harper ‘won’ a majority government on the heels of lying to Parliament about the true cost of the #F35 boondoggle (which we still don’t have a plane from), and proceeded to lie to us about the cause of the election fraud seen across the country.

In 2015 Harper is possibly going to win government on the heels of saying we should prevent Muslim women from wearing a religious head and face scarf. What lies in store for us after he regains power? The Office of Religious Freedom he started will back up the freedom of Muslim women to dress how they please?

Maybe he’ll just inspire more of this crap?

I liked May’s answer to the “niqab” question during the French debate:
How many jobs have niqabs created What effect does the niqab have on our climate? It’s a distraction from real problems in Canada

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