Just Not Ready To Debate


Also, Goodbye Peter MacKay:

Good news everyone! Peter MacKay or Conservative polling indicated that MacKay wouldn’t have held his seat! And/Or he’s got a cushy private job lined up with a bank.

And I wish Peter MacKay the success Jim Prentice enjoyed after leaving the effing Federal Cabinet.

Marco thinks MacKay will run for Conservative leader when Harper leaves after the election. We’ll see, I guess.

One response to “Just Not Ready To Debate

  1. Look at it this way, John. If you had just handed the most powerful family in your corner of the country a $288-million dollar jackpot to “upgrade” their shipyard and another 3+ billion to build five patrol ships of the type that everyone else builds for about $100-million a copy floating at the dock, would you be apprehensive about your future?

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