Why Is Canada Selling LAVs to Saudi Arabia?

This shocking news story came up about a year ago, but it’s back in the news because oil crashed, and Alberta tarsand hillbillies freaked out about Saudi Arabia (finally).

The Light Armored Vehicles will be used against civilians protesting injustice in a theocratic, and authoritarian country.

3 responses to “Why Is Canada Selling LAVs to Saudi Arabia?

  1. We wouldn’t want those Arabs, especially Saudi Arabia’s Shiites, getting uppity, John. They showed in Egypt that they can’t be entrusted with things like democracy. Why, they elect people we don’t like!

  2. But they are “ethical” LAVs, right?
    “Canada cannot sit on the sidelines while people are being oppressed!”
    No, we will jump right in and sell the tools to do the oppressing.

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