PMO Organized Anti-Trudeau Protest

The Prime Minister’s Office is a partisan waste of taxpayer money. $10M a year goes there to die.

Huffington Post uncovered the PMO coordination of the silly protest aimed at Justin Trudeau [link may autoplay annoying audio, sorry] announcing he wanted greater transparency from the government. Ha, why would the CPC want to protest against transparency when they campaigned on that in 2006 (and completely failed to deliver on their promise)?

HuffPost has learned the PMO assembled several Conservative party interns and staff to draw up signs mocking Trudeau after being tipped off by Twitter that the Liberal leader planned to announce new measures to increase transparency in the House of Commons outside Parliament near the Centennial Flame. Holding signs quoting Tory attack ads, the young Conservatives stood behind Trudeau’s podium during his televised speech.

Liberal party researchers and journalists identified several participants in the demonstration — among them Maddy Stieva, Carl-Olivier Rouleau, Stav Nitka, Nick Young, James Mitchell and Grant Dingwall. None returned messages requesting comment.

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