ISS over Regina

I was checking to see the next time the International Space Station would fly over Regina’s skies, and saw it was in two minutes! (There are only a few times a week it is visible for a couple minutes, sometimes none.) I threw on my ski pants and coat, and grabbed my camera (and card out of the computer), then flew down the stairs and outside. I even remembered my little tripod to hold the camera properly for a night shot. It’s dark in Regina at 5:50pm still, and will be for another month or two.

ISS over Regina, facing south

A Canadian is on board the ISS. Hi, Commander Hadfield!

Date Brightness Start Highest point End Pass type
[Mag] Time Alt. Az. Time Alt. Az. Time Alt. Az.
30 Dec -1.3 17:49:44 10° W 17:52:40 31° SSW 17:55:35 10° SSE Visible

6 responses to “ISS over Regina

  1. I love to watch the night sky too! A side benefit of being guest artist in residence at Cypress Hills in SK was the ability to visit the new observatory there frequently! I hear there is a meteor event this Jan. 3 – 4th. How would I find out the best time to view it from my location?

  2. absolutely awesome !! I started 2013 viewing that !!!

    I must send you my admiration on other matters as well ..
    So .. this is for you.. very specially .. yet also for so many indy bloggers

    ‘sparkling fresh reportage and illuminating unique challenging perspectives..
    always reminding me of what it is .. and why I love .. to be Canadian .. eh ..’

    Yes .. that would be you .. eh … exemplary Canadian prairie dude

    who seemingly can see the wind ….

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