ConCalls: Timely #RoboCon

RoboCon Arthur Hamilton is the Conservatives’ Lawyer in Federal Court today. May 2, 2011 was election day, and it was 592 days ago. There was an Elections Canada investigation underway immediately after, despite the agency being aware of complaints 3 days prior to the election. Hamilton is possibly the lawyer who EC contacted before election day in their complaints to the Conservatives about the volume of misleading, harassing, and computer-dialed phonecalls voters were reporting to them in the run up to election day.

Conservatives get more absurd in their defence of election results despite clear cases of CPC-supporters tampering with voters by misleading (fraud) and harassing phone calls:

This latest gaffe by Hamilton is at odds with one of the points of defence the Conservatives used earlier this week, to claim the CoC applicants of the court challenge should have filed within 30 days of getting the (illegal) calls prior to voting on May 2, 2011!

It’s also critically maddening that the election fraud apologists think the complainants would have a more strong case if after having been phoned by a criminal organization, they hadn’t proceeded to vote. It’s supposedly not within these citizens’ rights to attempt to defend their neighbours, simply because people fooled by a scam haven’t all rushed forward to testify that they were duped.

Help us Judge Mosley; You’re our only hope!


A stay would not be timely.

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