VikiLeaks30: A Little Deserved Contempt

I enjoyed all three of the videos that play in succession on this CTV page. Kady live blogging in the background is amusing. I supposed most people get funny facial expressions while they are writing, I can only imagine mine while I’m blogging. Her crack up at the revelation of the VikiLeaks password (StrongStableConservativeMajorityGovernment) was funny. (It seems every major paper ends up being involved in a scandal where a ‘leaks password is revealed.)!/kady/status/194816760275402752

I’m pleased that #vikileaks Adam Carroll was trending ahead of Dean Del Mastro. Carroll is a Canadian hero so far as I’m concerned. It takes courage to stand up (even anonymously when the threat of detection is real {and realized in Carroll’s case}) to a malicious Minister of a government that labels dissenting Canadians “child pornographers”, “adversaries”, and “enemies of the state”. Even with the truth as a defence, there’s still the risk of a cash flush political party using some of its lawyers to SLAPP those it doesn’t like.

– A little toe tapping music to go while you read. I was listening while writing.

CTV’s Mercedes [and CBC Kady] confirmed that Carroll had been called before the wrong committee by the Conservatives.

Carroll also said he was not obligated to appear before the committee, and was only there because of his respect for Parliament and his wish to put the matter to rest.

So he’s not so contemptuous of Parliament after all. He does have some valid contempt for the Conservatives, however.

NDP MP Charlie Angus called Mr. Del Mastro’s accusations “conspiracy theories” and asked Mr. Carroll if he had any idea why the committee would be investigating Mr. Toews’s messy divorce.

“I have also been wondering that same question for myself,” the former Liberal staffer replied. “This is a sideshow, this is a distraction. The circumstances and events came out right when their robo-call scandal was beginning to break and this seemed like a very convenient way to turn the channel.”

And with that point in mind, my next article pertains to RoboCon.

Hat tip to Boris

And Carroll is off on a surprisingly feisty – even confrontational – mode: He lambastes the committee for “usurping the authority” of both speaker and chair by forcing this study onto the agenda, despite the fact that it is clearly outside its mandate. (Yes, that’s what I’ve been saying all along, but that’s because it is, in fact, correct.) Carroll stresses that, under normal circumstances, “we would not be here today,” but he agreed to appear — voluntarily — because of his respect for parliament, and his desire to bring this matter to a close. (I don’t think his somewhat aggressive attempt to set the terms of his appearance will go over well with the government.)

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