Parade of Disgraceful Conservatives

The Conservative Party of Canada could use better people to back it, and its ideology. The current support crowd online has some pretty obvious, and significant flaws:

  • threatening lawsuits (both Gator69 and Red Jeff have offered to report me to the appropriate non-authorities on climate change, so they can send me a lawyer’s letter chastising me for linking to evidence on the WWW that they do no actual scientific research, and fund climate change deniers. In Canada, it’s not illegal to link to websites — the Supreme Court has said so.)
  • climate change denial
  • vote suppression advocacy (which Gator69 came out strongly against, in an uncharacteristic example of free thought to support a cornerstone of democracy {I award one redemption point.})
  • trolling/sock puppetry

And those are just the behaviours exhibited by the most frequent commenters on my blog!

So here’s a dishonourable mention to Gator69, Klem, Red Jeff, Darcy, and Rotterdam/Michigan(Sockpuppet). Mooner added himself to this list a month after I’d compiled, but had not yet published it. Support electoral fraud, so long as those darn lefties don’t get into power, eh?

For me… whatever works to you keep you fools from getting your hands on power and screwing this country up beyond all hope !!

Because unfair elections aren’t a key ingredient of a screwed up country?

(I left off frequent commenter The Rat, because he’s not said anything recently that falls into the above categories, at least not that I can remember. Sorry Rat, you’ll just have to stoop lower next time.)

18 responses to “Parade of Disgraceful Conservatives

  1. Um, I don’t support electoral fraud. I think somewhere on your blog I agreed with you that the damage to our democracy by this kind of behavior was too important to ignore.

    But I also said the Robocall thing did not qualify as a scandal, and I think I was correct about that. Today I heard CBC radio call it the ‘Robocall controversy’, they have stopped trying to make it into a scandal. I can’t blame them for trying to make it a scandal, that’s how the media makes it’s money but it was obvious immediately that the Robocall thing just didn’t have legs. Calling it a controversy sounds like a better term.

    Even if the NDP had been caught doing this Robocall thing, I would still have to call it something other than a scandal.

    BTW, isn’t it about time you moved on to a new subject on your blog? This is starting to get a little weird.

    • Um, I think you are in fact actively supporting election fraud by attempting to down play the unquestionable proof of wide spread election fraud.

      Not a scandal? 200 ridings now! Coast to coast now!

      Elections Canada investigating the 800 strongest complaints.

      BTW, isn’t it about time you got concerned if you in fact cared about Canadian democracy? This is starting to get weird.

      • Sorry, but the public decides if something qualifies as a scandal, not the socialist NDP. And the public’s indifference to this topic demonstrates that it does not meet the definition of a scandal, whatever that might be.

        I watched the National the other night and there was no mention of this coast to coast scandal of which you speak. Your obsession with what the CBC now calls a ‘controversy’ is now deep into weird-ville.


  2. klem: There is an official investigation by Elections Canada into electoral fraud that we will hopefully hear something about today.

    It is absolutely timely to be talking about it now, especially since the whole thing has not been laid to rest. Also is is not simply CONTROVERSIAL that there is an investigation into electoral fraud significant enough that the Chief Electoral Officer has been called to speak at a parliamentary committee, it is a scandal plain and simple.

    It would definitely be premature to place blame, but it would also be incredibly premature to let it go.

    I’m pretty sure the majority of Canadians don’t find it ‘a little weird’ to be concerned with the integrity of our democracy. I find it more than a little suspect that you are trying to play it down as nothing, and you don’t seem to be concerned at all.

    • As I said earlier, I have issues with this election fraud, and this is election fraud no doubt about it. But attempting to keep this thing alive by calling it a scandal merely to support your beloved NDP party just makes you look bad, you’re flogging a dead horse.

      Save it for a real scandal. There’s always a real one coming down the pike.

  3. Ha ha! Brilliant!! Only a vacant alarmist would describe quoting a forged document as “linking to evidence”!!!! Then again it is an obvious indicator of the low threshold of proof needed to fool the gullible!

    It betrays your true purpose when you continue, ad nauseum, about an imaginary crime while defending someone who has already confessed to his criminality!!! At least Climategate, unlike Fakegate, is based on real documentation!!! Not that it matters to alarmists!!

    I know, I know, special rules for special people. Hilarious Sask that such an advocate for honesty and integrity is so willing to toss both under a bus for the case of political expediency!!!

    I know that you just make things up, like your personal hero Gleick, but I have to call BULL when you say “•vote suppression advocacy (which Gator69 came out strongly against” can you offer any proof of this at all?

    How often do you create “evidence” out of thin air like that?

    • “Hilarious Sask that such an advocate for honesty and integrity is so willing to toss both under a bus for the case of political expediency!!!”

      Yea that just about sums it up. I visit this site regularly because of what I perceived as Saskboy’s honesty and integrity. I’ve given him a lot of grief and he dishes it right back at me rather than taking the lazy road by merely banning me. But his pursuit of this robocall non-scandal has been going on for weeks now, and is clearly more about scoring partisan points rather than about saving our democracy as he claims. It’s damaging his cred.

  4. Pingback: ConCalls: Live #PROC Committee – LiveBlog | Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff

  5. Hey saskBOY……..thanks for the recognition !!!

    I sincerely mean what I say about you bunch of left wing idiots getting your hands on power through a “coalition of losers”….and screwing this country up beyond all recognition.

    For once in a long-long time Canada finally has a government in place to start dismanteling some of the soft headed legislation that had been passed over the years by the likes of the very people you support. It started with Lester Pearson, took a dangerous turn with Trudeau ( who I am ashamed to admit I voted for) and was influenced along the way by the likes of Broadbent , Layton and other assorted and sundry left leaning peckerheads.

    Because of them we find ourselves living in a European style nanny state that will slowly be dismantled, because as they are finding out in Europe, it just doesn’t work. Left wing policy has a tendency to make you feel good for the short term but when it’s time to pay the bills it failings become destructive and obvious.

    Now all the beating you guys over the head will not change your mind as you keep the blinders on and smell sweet unicorn farts and push your touchy feely philosophy on the world. As has been said ” a man convinced against his will, remains unconvinced”…… But the” times they are a changin'” and you guys are losing as the world over the political right makes strides forward in stomping out failed left wing poilicies…..all you need to do is look south of the border and see the discord that the worst president in American history has brought to his country through his socialist ideas and plans…….you do not want to piss off a gun toting freedom loving American by goin’ all lefty on him…he will kick your ass.
    I so look forward to the day that happens in Canada…’s starting and better late than never….. so my advice to you is bend over and kiss your ass goodbye.

    P.S. you can give up the robo-call insanity you’ve created cause it’s going nowhere…by the time they get to the bottom of this pile of crap…the world will have dealt with at least 5 other crises and you will still be stuck way back here tilting at the windmills…but whatever keeps you busy and prevents you from pissing off a wider circle of people.

    • You know what, you’re right. We need a country like Adrian wants:
      “If your mind/vote was changed by a recorded telephone message… maybe you shouldn’t be voting at all. #justsayin… ”

      Thank-you Mr. McNair; a solid case for people not to vote… if they are easily persuaded not to by fraud or intimidation. There are systems like that in the world, we should look into that as an option. Mooner seems to agree. Can you report back to us with some countries we can look to as models of this sort of political system?

    • “…you do not want to piss off a gun toting freedom loving American by goin’ all lefty on him…he will kick your ass.
      I so look forward to the day that happens in Canada…’s starting and better late than never….. so my advice to you is bend over and kiss your ass goodbye.”

      Hey Mooner, I think you should be careful threatening people, and your violent attitude towards people who don’t think the same way as you is absolutely disgusting. Keep talking my friend, you’re a walking advertisement for Anybody But the Conservatives. Scumbag.

      • Mooner feels he has a close enough relationship with me because he knows people who know me, so thinks he can talk cowboy-to-Saskboy with me. He’s wrong; you’re right. He’s close to crossing a line.

        When people say shit like that, they’d better hope that I have a long and happy life, or the police (who know how to use Google) will maybe not take comments like that in stride or with the same level of understanding I’m willing to give.

  6. saskBoy………..allow me clarify my statement “bend over and kiss your ass goodbye”…what I meant was “bend over and kiss your left wing philosophy goodbye”as the political right is slowly taking back the land of OZ , straightening out the rows and planting new crops……I do wish you a long life cause I think it’s going to take a long time to straighten out your thinking….I believe you would have a lot to contribute if only you could stand back and see the folly and futility of your political philosophy.

    I once stood where you stand…..a born and raised LIBERAL… took me 35 years to finally step over the line and into the light. Leaving Saskatchewan behind really helped, to get away from the soul sucking NDP improved my life and attitude greatly.

    Now however I find my self in Alberta and here we are trying to root out the first NDP premier of Alberta,the Red Queen Alison Redford. Alberta reminds me in a lot of ways of what is happening in the USA, you don’t want to piss of an Albertan by going all lefty on him….the Wild Rose will prevail and we will have an even better looking premier than you have.

    So saskBoy…live long and prosper….and seriously leave this Robo-call fantasy alone for a while and get out into the sunshine…you are missing a beautiful spring season !!

  7. Continuing with your parade of disgrace, it seems that in your zeal to defend global warming (oooopsie it stopped warming 14 years ago!) errrrr climate change (oooopsie climate always changes!) errrr climate weirding, you have not bothered to read any scientific data. “The whole of the Earth heated up in medieval times without human CO2 emissions, says new study”

    “A team of scientists led by geochemist Zunli Lu from Syracuse University in New York state, has found that contrary to the ‘consensus’, the ‘Medieval Warm Period’ approximately 500 to 1,000 years ago wasn’t just confined to Europe. In fact, it extended all the way down to Antarctica – which means that the Earth has already experience global warming without the aid of human CO2 emissions.”

    Stick to Bobocalls.

  8. saskBOY………just a note to let you know I am moving on. It’s been fun poking a stick in your eye every so often…but you and your gang of left wing loons are starting to hurt my head.

    I was shocked by Leppy and you thinkin’ I was inferring any harm would come to you…but I should have expected the typical over the top left wing repsonse from the very shallow end of the gene pool.

    I can only say that I feel you are wasting your talent and time in trying to overturn the popular political wisdom that is taking over in Canada. Maybe sometime in the future your mystical vaunted coalition of lefties will gain power and spin Canada back in time…but I am pretty sure by the time that happens I will be long gone from this earth…so, in the present, I can only be thankful for that !

    So for me it’s on to the Bloggin’ Tories….people who actually understand economics and common sense and work toward building that up and exposing the fallacies of idiots like you, Jim Fodey, Fingas, Scott and the rest of your band of loons……Sask Blog Aggregator has become a nest of left wing viitrol and it seems you are only preaching to the choir….which is good…. as the pews are empty !!

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