ConCalls: Still Not Enough Proof

I don’t care if hundreds of Canadians, with specific details, recordings, and corroborating stories (some reported to authorities almost a year before the crime became famous), confirm the Conservative Party is involved. It’s a Liberal smear! And when it’s shown the Liberals didn’t have anything to do with illegal robocalls across the country, it’ll be an NDP socialist plot. Then a CBC vendetta carried out by Kady O’Malley, Terry Milewski, and fruit fly scientist David Suzuki. And the Toronto Star. And Postmedia, that well known leftist media company.

You simply cannot show with any certainty that someone calling to canvass for the Conservatives, is actually a Conservative if they launch into a lie about the location of the voter’s polling station, after the Conservatives were explicitly told by Elections Canada (prior to the election day) not to contact voters with polling location changes. They could have spoofed their Caller ID. The Conservatives conducted an internal investigation, found a single staffer from Guelph was the most likely person to accept responsibility, and accepted his resignation. It was probably just that one guy phoning all of these people in the CBC interview. He’d have disguised his voice to sound like a woman’s, that’s why they refer to the Conservative caller as “she”.

Harper has an excellent track record when it comes to Standing up for Canadians. He even spent more money than he was supposed to in 2006 ($1.3M) to make sure the Adscam Liberals wouldn’t squeak out another win and send this country into financial ruin, one scandal at a time. There’s nothing more perfect than a Strong and Stable Majority, from a clean election. Let’s settle this “scandalette” right now, shall we? We know Harper wouldn’t lie, and close to 700 people who don’t support the right party, would lie. You’re not going to listen to socialist liars, people who want a coalition to work cooperatively, are you? Since we know who is lying, we need to find out what really compelled these hundreds of people to come forward with their very specific, evidence based claims against the Conservatives.

I’d forgotten that our dear Conservative Party has before used legal micro-targeting, facilitated by its superior database called CIMS.

Privacy experts agree the practice is a clear breach of standard privacy ethics — but probably not the law, because federal political parties fall into a legislative grey area.

A recent mailing by the prime minister to some Jewish households, and households with Jewish-sounding names, highlighted the micro targeting that sophisticated modern databases now facilitate.

The Rosh Hashanah greeting from Harper prompted several recipients to complain to the federal privacy commissioner, who has begun a preliminary inquiry.

Video of the traitor Garth Turner, who became a Lieberal, talking about CIMS. Now Inky Mark is talking when no Conservative wants to hear what he has to say about our glorious database and ethics in using it to ensure victory.

A spokesman for the Conservative party, Fred Delorey, said in an email that “it’s our job as a political party to get our supporters out to vote.”
Delorey did not directly address why the party ignored Elections Canada’s request that it not contact voters about poll locations.
“While calling Conservative supporters and encouraging them to vote we wanted to make sure they knew where to go,” he wrote in response.

It’s not like any election agency told the Conservatives not to directly give polling station locations. Fred was just doing his job in making sure people knew where the Conservatives wanted them to go.

Hat tip to that evul Soshalust Montreal Simon

6 responses to “ConCalls: Still Not Enough Proof

  1. Thanks for confirming the fact this is a media manufactured controversy. The links confirm it! Complaints of Liberals phoning Liberals at suppertime? Neferious, fer sher! Dipp phone calls asking Dipp supporters to vote Dipp? An affront to democracy! Kady (Correction) O’Malley?

    From your above link “But from the beginning of the election, campaign staff working for Joe Volpe, in the Toronto riding of Eglinton-Lawrence, were hearing reports from Liberal supporters about strange phone calls.” is this the same Joe Volpe who’s handler was filmed removing Green Party literature from peoples mailboxes? “A Liberal Party volunteer has been dismissed after removing Green Party campaign flyers from mailboxes and replacing them with Liberal materials while door-knocking with Toronto incumbent Joe Volpe.” Just wunderin’.

    Finally the legal use of legal technology? This is proof of corruption? Really?

    As for Fruit Fly Dave Suzuki, wasn’t Dave cited for breaking Elections Canada laws against tax-recieving charities shilling FOR political parties? Hint: Ontario provincial election shilling for McGuinty’s Lieberals? Hint: “According to the Canada Revenue Agency website, registered charities “cannot be involved in partisan political activities,” including “attempts to sway public opinion on social issues.”… The David Suzuki Foundation received between $100,000 and $250,000 from the government-affiliated Ontario Trillium Foundation in 2010.”

    • It is *NOT LEGAL* to call someone, impersonate Elections Canada, and give intentionally bad information about a polling location. I think you should stop commenting here if you can’t concede that point.

      You actually fell into my fruit fly trap? Pitiful.

      Tell me Mr. Charity expert, How is the Manning Centre, which trains political people in how to change the political system, a *charity* when it supports specifically *conservative* ideology? Its small ‘c’ may be a loophole, but we both know it doesn’t adhere to the spirit of the law. In contrast, The David Suzuki Foundation would gladly support any party’s policy around our economy and environment, that is science based.

      • Be it legal or not there’s NO indication as to WHO made the phone calls except guesswork by obviously biased observers! IE 700 actual complaints as opposed to 31,000 gripes!

        You answered your own question “How is the Manning Centre, which trains political people in how to change the political system, a *charity*…?” Answer “Its small ‘c’ may be a loophole..” and as everyone knows a loophole is perfectly, unequivocally LEGAL. That’s why it’s called a loophole!

        Finally The David Suzuki Foundation is breaking the law. Not even a loophole legalizes that.

  2. Pingback: ConCalls: The Crime Was Trying, Not Succeeding | Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff

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