Publicly Funded Oil R&D

If there is one monolithic industry that could afford to do its own Research & Development (R&D) into cleaning up its significant “associated byproducts” (AKA toxic waste). But they don’t have to, because our super helpful provincial and federal governments are paying the UofR to do it for Shell, Syncrude, and the rest.

January 27, 2012

Governments of Canada and Saskatchewan Invest in Research on Oil
Production Technologies

Regina, Saskatchewan* A combined investment of over $800,000 by the
governments of Canada and Saskatchewan will help the Petroleum
Technology Research Centre (PTRC) and the University of Regina (U of R)
study innovative recovery methods for oil and gas production, as well as
reclamation of associated byproducts.

If there is any public funding of this magnitude announced for solar or wind, or other renewable energy research, I’ll be sure to let you know. Don’t hold your breath.

Don’t get me wrong; it’s important to know how to deal with toxic waste. I’d just prefer that the government legislate on scientifically recognized safe levels of waste to be in our air, soil, and water, and leave it to companies to not exceed them. If the government wants to help out energy industries, there are start-up green companies that could use the support a lot more than dirty energy coal and oil who can pay their own R&D bills with ease. I’m not anti-subsidy, I just would rather not subsidize industry that we ought to be winding down as much as possible, to survive.

2 responses to “Publicly Funded Oil R&D

  1. The Government do doubt would save a bundle if it were to enforce companies to clean up their own mess. Just imagine how much the Canadian Government could apply to OAS for furture retirees.

  2. And a semi-related, but semi-opposite, funding announcement was made less than a year ago. No doubt, the study commissioned in June will lead to the realization that the subsequent money put into the oil industry is an adaptation failure.

    Release: June 2, 2011

    Contact: Dale Johnson, External Relations
    Phone: (306) 585-5439

    University of Regina to study how to cope with the impact of global
    warming on the Prairies

    Researchers at the University of Regina have been awarded $1.25 million
    to study how climate change will impact the Prairies, especially the
    agricultural and Indigenous communities. The money is part of a $2.5
    million international project on Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate
    Extremes in the Americas. A total of $12.5 million was announced by the
    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) under the International
    Research Initiative on Adaptation to Climate Change (IRIACC) today in

    The University of Regina project will be led by David Sauchyn, a
    geography professor, and senior research scientist at the Prairie
    Adaptation Research Collaborative. The University of Regina will partner
    with the Universidad de Chile in its work on the five-year project,
    which will also involve collaboration with researchers and
    decision-makers in Argentina, Brazil and Colombia.

    “The work will take us to the Swift Current region in Saskatchewan,
    so we can see first hand the potential impacts of global warming in our
    own backyard,” said David Sauchyn. “The idea is to examine how
    vulnerable people and regions can adapt to climate change.”

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