Good Luck Hangover

“Good Luck Chuck” [3/10] was on Netflix, and it’s every bit as uncomfortable as the critics said it was. It’s a mean spirited Hollywood vehicle to show a lot of topless women to actor and comedian Dane Cook. If you like a movie with a lot of boobs, and tortured reasons to show them off, watch this movie.

“The Hangover II” [4/10] uses the same gags as the first. It’s Home Alone II basically, but with adults encountering an unlikely situation, again. Watch this movie if you’ve seen The Hangover and want to see it again.


And the blog year couldn’t begin unless we talked about a list. The weather has been quite unusual for most of the year, especially in Regina where it’s been hovering around zero degrees Celsius through most of December! Reality deniers will try to say these sorts of extremes happen all of the time, or happen naturally, and they’d be correct except they are happening in the context of humans polluting the atmosphere at an increasing rate never achieved before in human history.

3 responses to “Good Luck Hangover

  1. I definitely agree that global warming and climate change are a threat to humanity, both when it comes to the enivronment and health. Those with breathing problems, (those who live in polluted cities) often don’t have a choice when it comes down to pollution. Yes, there are those who can say that those with breathing problems should move, but it’s expensive and an inconvenience to many.

    • In other recent discussions on my blog with Small Dead Animals commenters, they are unable to define “pollution”. They think it has to smell or look dirty to count, yet also claim there must be an objective definition. It’s not possible to define “waste” in a totally objective manner, since the universe doesn’t really care where matter is aside from its laws governing motion and entropy. Humans do, and should care where waste matter is.

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