Turn A Page

The contemptible actions of the Harper government have reaped a little more protest in the chambers of Parliament. A few years ago it was a Gallery protest in the House of commons, and this time a parliamentary page (worker bee) held up a homemade protest “Stop Harper” sign in the Senate chamber during the Throne Speech.

While a respectful Parliament is the lifeblood of a democracy, I support DePape’s protest because it was both peaceful and courageous. It had meaning, because she lost her job over it, and it sent a clear message that she’s not seeing Parliament work, and that we need to protest our dysfunctional Parliament, until it is not treated with contempt by governing parties.

2 responses to “Turn A Page

  1. I’m actually getting a laugh from the amount of outrage this seems to be generating among people that have been watching and commenting on the Harper Cabal’s ™ subverting of Parliamentary institutions for the last 6 years or more. At least she actually paid the cost of losing a job for doing it which is more than they have,

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