Fossil Fuel Companies’ New Evil Strategy

There’s an effort underway by Conservatives and Fossil Fuel companies to suggest that fossil fuels are “sustainable”. This is an attempt to rebrand fossil fuels as non-harmful, when the reality is they’re causing much of the world’s pollution and breakdown in our climate. There are some ad agencies pledging to not contribute to the greenwashing. YouTube, is not among those ethical advertising agencies.

2 responses to “Fossil Fuel Companies’ New Evil Strategy

  1. Mucking with the evidence, rebranding and propaganda have been the modus operandi for everyone seeking profit or power for 100 years.
    Where and how did the 200 mpg carburetor disappear? Social ideals were never company ideals. This sells 10x as much gas …ohhhh the profits.
    My latest laugh is that the “successful life” of money and retirement and ease and luxury is the exact same recipe that is giving catastrophic global weather change and ushering in the 6th great extinction.
    Human nature is simply selfisness,self-centeredness and greed. And blind ignorance of everything.
    Sorry nobody is exempt.
    assets of over 100 K … top 10%
    over 1M … top .1%
    Canadians live in denial.

  2. Pingback: Corporate, Government, Science Manipulation — January 2024 – 4Earth Media Index

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