Plague Update: Not Much Better, Possibly Worse

My blog lately doesn’t have enough good content, and I can’t claim this is either, but it’s how I feel and apparently someone else does too:

“Nobody who is trying to convince you to take off your mask will be there for you when you get sick. When you lose your taste, they will make fun of you for eating so little (happening to someone I know). When you have chronic fatigue, they will call you a hypochondriac.

When you have blood clots, they will say “oh so young” & carry on with their lives. When you file for disability & get denied multiple times, they will simply delete you out of their lives.

They will not go to the numerous doctor appointments with you. When you need financial help for your deteriorating health conditions, they will avoid you like the plague(not an accurate expression now but you know what I mean). They will NOT be there for you. You will suffer alone.

Whoever’s trying to convince you to take off your mask because they did, are doing so to feel less bad about their own decisions. They are telling you to risk your long term health so they wouldn’t have to stare at their own stupidity. They are BAD friends.

The end.” – Guglar9

I would change that only to say that they’re maybe not bad friends, but they aren’t with you on pushing back against the government lunacy that removed every Public Health measure aside from vaccination being available. Canadians with heart conditions, like me, can’t even get a prescription for Paxlovid if we get sick, but there are hundreds of thousands of doses of the drug sitting on shelves saving no one.

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