Skunk In The Stinky FP

The FP published a ridiculous op-ed by Brad Wall.
business.financialpost .com/opinion/ brad-wall-canada-could-impact-emissions-were-ottawa-not-so-obsessed-with-carbon-taxes

“So, in Paris we were — without intention — a few prairie skunks at this low-carbon garden party.”

His intention was to stink. Wall has remained a skunk throughout his public life.

Remember a decade ago when he promised a Green Tech Fund to develop technologies to reduce emissions, instead of a price on carbon pollution? No? Perhaps because he never delivered it. His sole mission, that he shares with the odious (climate change Denial org) Heritage Foundation when he delivers his speeches in the USA, is to delay climate action.

I know most people reading the Financial Flop Post won’t agree with me, but his ideas are terrible, and are causing global damage.

The reason CCS is even close to making economic sense from his perspective is because it’s for Enhanced Oil Recovery. So the net pollution CCS reduces is offset by some unknown amount of oil burned for every unit of carbon dioxide re-sequestered underground.

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