Cross Country Checkup Climate Change

A show once hosted by climate change denier Rex Murphy, was asking some okay questions of callers, while other questionable questions were called out by callers.

The last caller said rightly people shouldn’t be asked any more if they think climate change is happening, since scientists have long determined that it is. We don’t ask people if they think Lawn Darts are dangerous or if we should wear seat belts, anymore.

3 callers stood up to the host Duncan when he pressed them for personal changes they’ve made to reduce emissions. Their point was that collective action is more important since they’ve done their part and it has still led to this crisis the IPCC has determined we are in.
One ignorant rancher from MB was the most blatant denier to phone in, unable to explain what has convinced him that scientists are supposedly wrong. He kept repeating that the climate has always changed and doesn’t think we are changing it now. A scientist from Environment and Climate Change Canada on the show later explained that we’re adding to the naturally variable warming happening now. Our carbon pollution today will stay in the atmosphere for up to ~400 years. The denier’s point was that Canadians will enjoy being a couple degrees warmer. He doesn’t get that means flooding Halifax, St. John’s, Vancouver and Victoria, etc. Will those Canadians enjoy losing their homes?

A 28 year old caller was enraged that older generations have stolen our future through greed and mismanagement of our atmosphere.

A woman from Winnipeg mentioned that pests destroying entire urban forests are surviving thanks to warmer Winters. The rancher/farmer calling should care about destroyed orchards.

If this was 5 years ago, Cross Country Checkup would have had a geriatric fart hosting who takes money from oil companies to spread climate change inaction. Hosting scientists and callers who are asking politicians and companies to act where individuals don’t have the means, is a step up.

Joyce Murray’s rapping son, and the person building efficient homes, were especially interesting.

2 responses to “Cross Country Checkup Climate Change

  1. To me it is the timeline that the IPCC report gave us if we continue to act uncollectively, 82 years.

    Even though neither my children or I will live that long, my grandchildren might and my great grandchildren will. Not the legacy I wanted to give to them.

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