Wall Gets Support From Postmedia & CBC For “Doing Right Thing”

You’ve evidence that Wall is trying to now do the right thing, and not cynically trying to get out in front of an issue to which public opinion has turned against his view of only a year ago?
Wall pays enough hacks that he doesn’t need free moral support from Postmedia too.
Did you catch when CBC posted Wall’s hack Paul as one of his average citizen supporters, on their story defending the Premier’s “inconsistencies”? At least Paul does his job so well that he sees success like that. How can you not be happy for him?
Wall  sent a letter to Trudeau in November 2015 complaining that the threat of a single terrorist being among the refugees was grounds enough to slow down the process of Syria refugees. Wall — likely playing to his base at the time — was dead wrong to do so…

THAT’S the story, Mandryk, not a nice little set up to take a shot at the SFL (also a hobby of the Premier’s). Wall was “dead wrong” to serve as the poster child of Islamophobia in Canada by suggesting Syrian refugees posed a security risk. Has he sincerely changed his view? Let’s wait a year and see if he can maintain the new image he’s attempting to cultivate. Praising him now is jumping the gun.

Some newspaper guy said this a year ago:

“But if Wall is being serious about this critical issue (as Trudeau also now needs to be) doesn’t it also make sense not to play into ISIS’s hands by refusing or limiting sanctuary for those refugees from Syria fleeing these barbarians? …

But it was unhelpful to anyone other than Wall’s conservative base to give credence to the notion that it’s now OK to abandon desperate Syrian refugees because a terrorist hiding among them might slip through the screening cracks.

However, it seems very helpful to ISIS to have some western leaders suggesting that desperate Syrian refugees are just terrorists-in-waiting.”

If we get in line to slap the Premier on the back this week, will we just be back to smacking him upside the head for being “helpful to ISIS”, by next year?

“we all need to condemn those living in a perpetual state of outrage, rather than the politicians trying to do the right thing.”
This is a joke, coming from a political columnist, right? Or, does anyone really want to condemn me for consistently advocating for progress and peace in our society, city, province, and country.

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