CBC Censoring More Of My Comments

The following is blog navel gazing that you probably won’t be interested in, but I’m keeping a record of it for my amusement.

A change (probably in personnel) about 2 months ago at CBC has prompted them to start disabling (deleting) some of my comments on their news stories. A collection of them is below for amusement. The title of the story is the first line of each.

In response to someone’s amusing grammatical error:

Man dies after reportedly being hit by a meteorite
@ReaLies The dead can’t buy them.

Changes coming to Earls after allegations of sexist dress code
I try to avoid these sorts of restaurants, if I know they discriminate against their female staff members.

Spirited sparring during leaders’ debate in Regina
@rex heeler The format set by CTV, CBC, and Global was a real sham. The Liberals and Greens are both running enough candidates to form government, and the PCs enough to be opposition. They should have been there, and the format longer and less confrontational.

Fast charging stations for electric cars a priority for Ottawa
@MY MILKSHAKE Electric cars will be cheaper than gas ones in possibly 6 years. Then, only “rich” people, or the foolish poor, will own new gas vehicles.


@Bob1 http://suncountryhighway.com/ is free. If you charge a Model S at home, it uses about $6 of electricity to be fully charged, at 13¢/kwh. Equivalent required for gas to go the same distance is presently more than $25, to even $40.

I responded to a commenter listing Jim’s home address and saying it looks “dilapidated”, because he obviously doesn’t like Jim and maybe doesn’t understand what cedar siding should look like. That one wasn’t deleted. “@ iamsam You don’t seem to understand how cedar is supposed to look. There’s nothing wrong with Jim’s property.”

I also responded to another who said Jim has a small footprint “my bum”.

Regina’s Jim Elliott uses rainwater for everything but drinking
@Nicholas O’Myra (Offseason Santa) I think your comment could have just said, “my bum”, and left it at that.

Then CBC turned off the commenting section on his story, effectively removing all of my comments on that story.

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