Bernie Sanders: Australian Perspective

Here’s a facebook comment from Australia I enjoyed.

Aleta Langdon:

A POLITICAL TIP FROM AUSTRALIA: The Republicans, Fox and Rupert Murdoch want Hillary to win the nomination so that they can crucify her in the Presidentials. (So much history, so much scandal, so many unanswered questions, so much to criticise,) They DO NOT want to face Bernie in the Presidentials because they know, when Bernie talks, people listen – REALLY listen. They know that Bernie will annihilate them in the Presidentals. He can’t be bought, he can’t be intimidated, he can’t be tamed by corporate America and he can’t be silenced. He has all the momentum now and is gaining momentum exponentially. There are people following him from all over the world, and millions more will follow him in the lead up to him taking the White House. Bernie is a once-in-a-generation WORLD leader. Be prepared for FOX and Murdoch to wage a vicious campaign depicting him as a radical who will destroy your country.

Murdoch destroyed our Australian Democratic Prime-Minister and Treasurer even though they guided us through the Global Financial Crisis with a triple-A credit rating from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, we avoided a recession (GFC? What GFC?) and our Treasurer Wayne Swan was awarded “World’s Best Treasurer” at a ceremony in Washington in 2011. At the same time Murdoch waged a media war in Australia and tore them down with a relentless “ECONOMIC IRRESPONSIBILITY” campaign. SERIOUS! Be prepared to fight and spread the word. I cannot emphasise how destructive they will be. Rupert Murdoch will NOT want Bernie to get to the Presidentials, because someone like Bernie – who is not at all enamoured by obscene wealth – scares Rupert Murdoch to death. Rupert Murdoch – the man who relinquished his Australian citizenship to become an American, for the sole purpose of making BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. So please do everything that you can to help him win. Bernie fights for you, please fight for him. Please repost on your timelines.

With you, in the struggle, Aleta Langdon. Australia.
· 2,615 · 17 hrs

Bernie notes the USA has more people in jail than Communist, authoritarian China. It wastes human life, and money.

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