#C51 Is a Brazen Power Grab

Canadians are so trained to accept power grabs, that we didn’t fight sufficiently to stop it.

The police state usually pads up behind you on cat’s paws. But this time, Harper has stabbed his finger into everyone’s chest to give us a hearty shove. This is a blatant, brazen grab for the kind of power no leader in a democracy should seek — let alone have in perpetuity.

How can there be unfettered sharing of information between departments of government without massive and illegal privacy violations?

Here’s a typical response by a Harper supporter on Twitter:


C-51 says whatever CSIS, CSE, the RCMP and the federal government want it to say. It is not an anti-terror measure; it is a manifesto for a police state, conferring on it vast powers to spy on and control its citizens. This blather about being at war with ISIS is utter nonsense.

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