Charlie’s War

Saw “Charlie Wilson’s War” [8/10] which explains the background behind the Soviet’s failure in Afghanistan, and paved the way for the Taliban to later take over. Today I saw “Cars 2” [6/10] which explains why we have people focused on fossil fuel vehicles.

Each somewhat ties into the 10 year old book I’m reading, Power Down, which has theories on economic declines, including the US and USSR. The Soviet’s oil production, and America’s have slowed economic growth for each, leading to predictable collapses.

2 responses to “Charlie’s War

  1. ‘The Long Emergency’ by James Howard Kunstler also addresses declining oil production,examining the non-viability of North American suburban living given the limited expected availability of cheap fossil fuels, the dependance of factory farming on petroleum-based fertilizers and herbicides, the immensely long supply chain relying on cheap fuel, etc. You would find it an interesting read.

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