Meteor and Aurora

This is my new best meteor photo, and it came with some faint aurora (northern lights) at the bottom of the frame too!

Meteor and Aurora

CFI had a star party for watching the Perseid meteor shower on Saturday night. There should be more meteors tonight too, so head outside and look up for a few minutes and you’ll probably catch one or a few.

The group of us saw at least 2 impressive fireballs at different times. We saw the ISS make two passes overhead, and a smattering of other satellites. Some people saw an Iridium flare from a satellite. And the camp fire and food was fantastic also. What a great night!



On Friday night I was out with Jesse and we listened to Feist in Victoria Park.

Camp fire with a misty lens from the fog. Driving through it, it looked like we were at warp speed on the grid roads.

2 responses to “Meteor and Aurora

  1. Now that I have moved out of the Stone Age and have a smartphone (Android), I have the ISS Detector app that uses one’s GPS location to list all potentially visible ISS and Iridium satellite flashes. It has a dandy on screen compass and adds the elevation in the night sky where you’ll find the object. Best of all it’s free.

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