3 responses to “Mike Duffy Wants The Truth Known?

  1. http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2013/08/20/stealth_snowmobile_shows_harper_is_a_comedy_genius_walkom.html
    ” By: Thomas Walkom National Affairs, Published on Tue Aug 20 2013

    Small-minded critics carp at Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s masterful plan to develop stealth snowmobiles for the military. The critics miss the point.

    This $620,000 scheme to develop a silent snowmobile for the protection of Arctic sovereignty is just one more effort by Canada’s far-sighted Conservative government to support the country’s struggling satire industry.

    It follows on the heels of other Harper government moves designed to provide fodder for Canadian satirists — including Senate reform, the plan to purchase F-35 warplanes that don’t work and Tony Clement.

    Senate reform is probably the zaniest Harper caper. Here the prime minister promises to make the Senate more democratic and accountable.

    Then, without missing a beat, he appoints Patrick Brazeau, Mike Duffy and Pam Wallin — all of whom are now accused of padding their expense accounts.

    And not just simply padding. Duffy receives some $90,000 from Harper’s chief aide to pay off his inappropriate expense claims. Wallin is said to have charged taxpayers for meetings that never happened. Brazeau faces unrelated assault and sexual assault charges.

    Then, to finish off the fun, Harper puts unrepentant Conservative attack dog Pierre Poilievre in charge of the entire Senate reform file.

    The audience can only ask: Was Dean Del Mastro not available?

    As for Tony Clement, don’t get me started. The minister who wastes millions to build gazebos in his own riding is put in charge of the Treasury Board — the body charged with monitoring public spending.

    The only possible explanation for Clement’s continued presence in cabinet is the prime minister’s mordant sense of humour.

    Certainly, it is to Harper’s credit that he understands the economic importance of Canada’s satire industry. This is the country that spawned Wayne and Shuster, Joey Slinger and Don Cherry.

    When satire was needed, Canada could be called upon to oblige. Rick Mercer mocked American ignorance of the outside world. Mary Walsh mocked Canadian ignorance of Newfoundland.

    If entertainers lagged, politicians were there to pick up the slack — usually by holding first ministers’ conferences on the constitution.

    But now Canada is falling behind even the notoriously unfunny Americans. We suffer an irony gap.

    In the U.S., Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have developed political satire so sophisticated that it sounds almost Canadian. Ditto Barack Obama. The U.S. president came to office promising civil liberties. Then he unleashed drone strikes on U.S. citizens and established a regime of domestic spying.

    Is that irony or what?

    So Harper is trying to get Canada back in the game. He’s perfect for the job. His deadpan delivery is first rate. When you hear Harper talk about ensuring that Canadians in the country’s Arctic territories get first crack at northern jobs, he sounds almost serious.

    It’s only when you recall that his government is also letting Yukon import cheap temporary foreign workers for mines and fast-food joints that you come to understand the prime minister’s true comedic genius.

    He doesn’t mean any of it. It’s all a joke.

    Even Harper’s ministers have been fooled by his mischievous sense of humour. Peter Kent thought he was environment minister. But his real job was to star in a kind of reality television show where cabinet ministers were encouraged to outdo one another in making ridiculous statements — the aim being to determine which were willing to abase themselves most.

    The stealth snowmobile is firmly in that tradition. Harper promised to boost Canada’s military presence in the Arctic in order to protect Canadian sovereignty. This prototype machine is the hilariously absurd result.

    The military calls it Loki, after the shape-shifting god of Norse mythology.

    What the military doesn’t say is that Loki is known primarily as a trickster — a sly, practical joker who can be terribly funny but whose jests cause considerable harm.”

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