Harper’s “Public Event” “photo opportunity” (Cameras and photographers only) #cdnpoli

Where is this event you ask?

Lac-Mégantic, Québec

PM Harper photo op Lac-Megantic
3:15 p.m. – Prime Minister Stephen Harper will participate in a photo opportunity.

Why is Harper there?

Close-up aerial view of site after explosion

You could say that Harper’s PMO has all the tact of a runaway train.

Hat tip to Daniel J.

10 responses to “Harper’s “Public Event” “photo opportunity” (Cameras and photographers only) #cdnpoli

  1. So the PM should stay away from National events and disasters? Good to know where you stand. Can you believe his lowlife wife was helping those flood victims!! Real Leaders would show up days or weeks later!!!!

    • You don’t seem to understand how it’s insensitive to show up at a fresh disaster to gawk, and schedule no time for the people of the town to even meet with the PM. They can go see him, but only if they are a “camera or a photographer”, and don’t talk to him. It’s crass.

      And to call the ‘event’ a ‘photo opportunity’? That’s sick.

  2. I recall similar comments by Conservative supporters in media discussions pertaining to the Calgary flooding, where is Trudeau, where is Mulcair, as if their expectation of elected government, or opposition leaders, is to tour the country visiting one disaster site after another, wringing their hands, offering condolences and posing for photos, rather than dealing with the responsibilities of government, which involves providing the agencies charged with disaster response and investigation the resources and budget adequate to fulfill their mandate, and as far as man-made disasters go, pursue policies aimed at preventing such future disasters.
    Inasmuch as there is currently a hiring freeze with the Transportation Safety Board, the residents of Lac Megantic would be better served with another dozen investigators on the ground than a photo-opportunity with the Prime Minister, which serves his needs but not theirs. As far as we know, there may yet be criminal charges laid in the Lac Megantic disaster, and the last thing the residents of Lac Megantic or the Canadian public needs is some media circus following the Prime Minister around and impeding with the work of such investigation ….

    • Indeed one of the reasons for a leader of a country to visit a disaster area is to realize how unprepared his government was for the situation that came about, and gather first hand accounts of the human suffering so they are motivated to do something to prevent it in the future.

  3. Your post is a great service to the people of Canada because it exposes the fraudulent, callous, cold nature of Stephen Harper’s government. Thank you

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