Charter Night

Last night I spent a little time with some Liberals to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Ralph Goodale noted a few of the other anniversaries coming up this year in his speech to the crowd of about 50 people. I was perhaps the youngest person there. I also met the Saskatchewan Liberal’s new interim leader, Greg Gallagher. Greg is from Crystal Lake, north of Canora.


Here’s what a year can do to editorials. I hope my blog stands the test of time better than this lame opinion piece.

Jet deal could see Grits crash and burn
The Conservative government is striking a sole-source deal with Lockheed Martin for 65 F-35 Lightning II jets worth $16 billion.

The Canadian Military’s current fleet of CF-18 fighter jets — just refurbished for $2.6 billion – are expected to last until 2017. The 65 F-35s have an estimated $9 billion price tag, with 20 years of maintenance and service expected to add $7 billion to the total cost. But the Liberals don’t like the deal.

Their industry critic, MP Marc Garneau, says the contract cannot be allowed because there was no public tender.

His boss, Michael Ignatieff, wants to recall the parliamentary defence committee this summer to debate this matter – especially the deal’s secretive manner.

But a spokesman for Defence Minister Peter MacKay has said it was a competitive process, with two bidders.

Jay Paxton also said the Conservatives aren’t surprised Ignatieff and company are willing to sacrifice the protection of Canadian Military personnel, and jeopardize Canadian sovereignty. The Grits aren’t willing to do this, however, but they are willing to play politics on this issue.

We now know the Conservatives were lying about the number of jets, the price of each jet over its lifetime, and there was no contract to shelter us from price fluctuations.


I turned trash into an iPod. This young woman in Florida turned trash into a house. She wins.


Assange isn’t being helped by Australia because their politicians kiss the “bums” of America.


Mmmm, coal.

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