To Be Fair

What’s “fair” in politics? Is is necessary to do everything you’ll say you do, and nothing of what you say you won’t and don’t like? A clear cut answer would be, “Yes.” Politics is not clear cut, unfortunately, because it is the process of determining power, and who holds it legitimately. Along anyone’s life, there will be shades of hypocrisy, and politicians are still all people (no robots), so hypocrisy will be in politics one way or another.

Why am I standing up for politicians who may behave hypocritically suddenly? Well, I’m considering becoming a politician, so that might have something to do with it. Also, I’m just musing to myself about what people will say if I were ever to use technology like a robodialer to reach potential voters. Do I think a ban on political robodialing would be okay, as Coyne suggests? SURE! Would I use robodialing until a time it becomes illegal? Sadly, yes.


There are a great many people who come by my blog, some with opinions I do not respect at all, who tell me things they’ve heard smear-campaigns and oil-money say about people like Al Gore, and David Suzuki. They criticize these good people like Suzuki who argue that we should all burn less carbon in our daily life, for using planes and for Gore having an elaborate energy hogging-mansion. Are those examples of hypocrisy? Yes. How can I defend it though? Easily.

The obvious argument from my, and Gore’s, political opponents, is that they want environmentalists to shut up about problems in our society and our economy. They use obvious hypocrisy as their weapon to try and silence environmentalists. Why should it be alright for their champions like Mr. Moncton and Senator Inhofe who carry messages of over-consumption and trickery, but forbidden for those with the opposing message based on scientific reality, and Full Cost Accounting? Remember, Gore is not saying it should be illegal for people to use planes, or have large homes, he’s saying they should be prepared to accept the Full Cost for having both, because right now they are subsidized by government, and at the cost of future habitability on Earth for humans.

For demon-dialing, I’d be fine with seeing it leave the political (and legitimate marketing sphere), but I could not be expected to abandon technology that political opponents have access to in order to spread their message. How would it make sense to launch a serious campaign, where votes and money matter, if my opponents could reach 1000 people in the time it takes me to reach 1? Microtargeting only works if you’ve previously identified a large group of people through mass polling… by robodialing.

Information is power, and technology is too. You can’t give up on using information or technology, if your opponents have it, even if you’d like to see energy used differently.

As I say, we’ve all grown used to this [robocalling, microtargeting], conditioned to think of it as part of the political game. Reporters write admiring profiles of the strategists behind the campaigns, who modestly boast of their prowess at “moving the numbers.” The voting public are invariably described in such logistical terms, as if we were so many packages to be delivered.

I get why the parties think this way. What I don’t get is why the rest of us should: why we should consent to being treated in this condescending, manipulative way — still less why we should help the parties do it. Yet the reality is that this sort of campaigning could not be conducted without the collusion of the state, of the government that belongs to us. It is time it stopped.

12 responses to “To Be Fair

  1. David Suzuki…. isn’t he the fruit fly guy who wants anyone who disagree’s with his climate alarmism (and NO he’s NOT a climate scientist!) to be jailed? Is he the guy who recently was piped into schools by teachers, telling the kids NOT to listen to their parents because their parents are too old and out of touch? Was he the guy this winter who claimed that “Santa Claus was drowning” and that by buying “virtual presents” of safety gear from his web site kids would save Santa?

    Is it the same David Suzuki with 5 kids that talks of the need for population control? With multiple houses tho’ he says we MUST reduce consumerism? The guy who has a charitable foundation with 15 paid lobbyists on staff? The guy who complains about “Big Oil and Coal” who recieves $1,000,000 Cdn from Power Corp. Canada…. yearly? The guy who glorifies China, where Power Corp. does big business, even though China adds a coal fired power plant every 10 days?

    Or a different David Suzuki?

    Oh, and Al (millions of degrees) Gore? makes dubya look like a genius!!!

  2. (not even gonna comment on the rapidly-crumbling AGW scam; redjeff got a pretty good start on that…)

    I’m going to assume that there is an apology for your near-hysterical torrent of posts about Conservative “election fraud” and “stolen elections” and other way, WAY over-the-top hyperbole buried in there somewhere, given Elections Canada’s revelation that they have narrowed the viable complaints down to about 700 (not much higher than any other election, in other words…and certainly nowhere even remotely close to the 31,000 that you and others have been trying so hard to sell us on). Fair enough. If, as you say, you are thinking about entering politics there is a lesson here that you seem to have grasped more quickly than some others. Kudos for ‘manning up’…

    • 700 is still much higher than previous elections. A growing problem in election fraud is still a growing problem whether it’s by 1 or many hundreds or thousands of incidents. Since robocalling and live calls were both used by the fraudsters, it’s very safe to say 1000s were directly contacted by the criminals. Aren’t Conservatives fans of estimating “unreported crime” figures anyway, so how many more than 700 were there actually?

      I have no apology for you, because I don’t defend criminals, or a crime as serious as electoral fraud conducted on a national scale.

      I want people to understand why I think you and Redjeff have a lot to apologize for. Not because you’re hypocrites at times like everyone else, but because you defend your hypocrisy to further suppress the views of people who are looking out for others instead of only themselves.

      • And where did you get this 700 number from? I won’t call it BS yet, but that’s my first reaction when I read something from you that I’ve never heard before.

        Nevermind, I found what you’re on about.!/wicary/status/180399056059760640

        It is not clear if the live-calls across the country are included, which also misdirect voters.

        700 is not a low number. That’s enough for two people from each riding, to take the time to come forward with specific information.

        Since only 82 ridings are publicly known to have had calls, even half of those complaints 350/82 means four people from each affected riding contacted EC specificly. Others may have only contacted their own party to complain, or simply told their friends and didn’t bother to escalate. You’re a Conservative Fred, so you’re an expert on unreported crime, right? What ratio should we magnify the 4/riding number by?

      • As a conservative, let me answer the question you’ve posed….

        As “an expert on unreported crime, right? What ratio should we magnify the 4/riding number by?”…. Recent studies (Stanford, UCLA, Harvard, MIT and Cambridge) have shown that when left wing mob complaints occur, the accepted academic conversion of ‘outrage to reality’ factor (O/R)= 0.0157

        Thus the true number of real complaints would be 11. Although in honesty a number of others would simply mumble to themselves.

        Glad to be of help! ;)

  3. Well said, redjeff…:)

    (the “unreported crime” red herring never fails to amuse me, much like the WMD thing did; of all the reasons to build new prisons, that is perhaps the weakest…and naturally the only one the left fixates on…)

    On National Newswatch today, 40+ stories and only *one* on “robobcalls” (and that by Monte Solberg, poking fun at those who thought this thing was a HUGE ISSUE that would bring down the government…gee, where have I heard that before?). One story that really should be covered is the attempt by two left-wing ANERICAN organizations to interfere in Canadian politics by being the ones forwarding all those 31,000 “complaints” (which turned out to be nothing more than expressions of concern and calls for an investigation (already in progress)). Where is the outrage about THAT, I wonder? Can you imagine the response if it were Republican groups intervening on behalf of the Conservatives?

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