Saskboy’s Hairy Fun-Razor for Telemiracle

I ended up with some facial hair in the aftermath of the Movember fundraising blitz that swept the nation. It then turned into Decembeard, then Januhairy, now Februhairy is over and I don’t have a pun for March. I was noticing I’d get at least a couple of comments a day about my beard, often from strangers, so it became a situation where I could say, “If I had a nickel for every time someone mentioned my beard, I’d have a few dollars.” I’m going to see if my goatee can raise a little money for a famous Saskatchewan telethon this week, and here is how it works:

  • A) If you want me to keep my facial hair for at least another month, pledge money to that cause.
  • B) If you want me to shave the beard off, but keep just a mustache for at least a month, pledge money to that cause.
  • C) If you want the beard completely gone for at least month, pledge money to that cause.

Saskboy sans beard IMG_9114

Now go! (minimum pledge of $1)
You can vote with your preference in a poll without pledging, but you must put in your pledge for option A), B), or C) in the comment section so it can be added up to see which option really wins! Money will talk and determine the fate of my face!

On Saturday March 4, 2012, it’s up to you to make good on your pledge and either get the money to me through Ripple, or BitCoin, or send it directly to Telemiracle so it shows up on their total board. On Sunday, the biggest total in my poll will determine the appearance of my face, for the rest of March.

4 responses to “Saskboy’s Hairy Fun-Razor for Telemiracle

  1. Alright, the final results are in, and as I didn’t market this fundraiser enough, I didn’t get many donations. So I’m kicking in $20, which more than what any other votes were, so I’ve chosen what I (and my wife strongly suggested I do), and trimmed my beard a great deal. Since I remained the master of my face, it may even change again later this month. Next time you’ll just have to donate more to Telemiracle, if there is a next time for this fun razor.

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