Don’t Toews Me Bro – Conservatives Eying Email Spying

Minister Vic Toews is a nice guy, on Mark Horseman’s authority. I have to disagree, the evidence to the contrary is too strong. Nice guys don’t try to destroy the Internet as we know it, and subject innocent Canadians to higher ISP bills to fund government spying on legal communications. Nice guys also don’t say things like:

Vic Toews @ToewsVic:

Lawful access will aid child porn investigations. I call on the NDP to stop making things easier for predators and support these measures.

Then claim:

Vic Toews @ToewsVic:
I won’t get involved in this kind of gutter politics. Engaging in or responding to this kind of discussion leads nowhere.

And instead of Justin Trudeau taking this opportunity to call this man a POS like Peter Kent, he sheds a tear for him instead, after Toews’ dirty laundry was aired on Twitter through a “Vicileaks” shaming.

Justin Trudeau, MP @justinpjtrudeau:
Just to reiterate my condemnation of @vikileaks30 (that’s @vikileaks30) for being meanies towards the always nice and reasonable @ToewsVic.

Trudeau may have been speaking sarcastically, but it’s he who has been avoiding becoming clear with his comment’s intent.

Nice guys don’t have dirty laundry that indicates they’ve stopped paying child support after having an affair. Toews’ leaked divorce statement indicates he has.

I was quoted in The Toronto Star online today. I’m pleased I helped revive the years old meme Don’t Taze (Toews) Me Bro.

CC @canadiancynic:
There’s something cognitively dissonant about a grumpy, geriatric Mennonite lecturing us about upgrading our technology for the 21st century

Yo! Random Tweeter! @yorandomtweeter :
In some ways, Harper may welcome Vicgate. Fits into the metanarrative of building public cynicism about politics and politicians. #cdnpoli

The second part to this blog post is coming up, and it has a letter from Stephen Harper in it, regarding Internet freedom and its importance.

UPDATE: CTV is confirming for Justin that his tweets were in mock support for Vic’s plea for mercy from @Vikileaks30.

“I have absolutely no interest in Vic Toews’ private life,” Angus told reporters Wednesday. “I’ve got enough on this guy’s public statements to say this man has some explaining to do to Canadians.”

However, Liberal MP Justin Trudeau was hardly so kind.

He sent out at least two tweets to his 100,000-plus followers in mock support of Toews, linking to the Toews divorce Twitter account several times.

#TellVicEverything is the top trend in Canada on Twitter this Thursday.
Hey Vic, #Don’tToewsMeBro

6 responses to “Don’t Toews Me Bro – Conservatives Eying Email Spying

  1. Pingback: Don’t Toews Me Bro! – Harper’s NCC Letter | Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff

  2. I never voted for Justin Trudeau, but perhaps his reaction makes sense. Consider that his own parents divorced in 1984, and he likely has little sympathy for any father who stops paying child support.

    • You’d have to live in Montreal to vote for him anyway, I think. That probably is a factor in his opinion of Toews, although the whole Liberal MP thing is hard to ignore too.

  3. Teows personal life aside (too much like Pierre Trudeau and Art Eggleton for my liking). This bill gives government too much knowledge and power. Something like the gun registry and human rights commission’s put together. Who knows who they go after with knowledge easily obtained. Intentions are often “good”, but outcomes can be a disaster. Harper has heard from conservatives and liberals loud and clear.
    Its too bad the liberals keep defending HRC’s and Gun Registries.

  4. Pingback: Judges Don’t Need To Be Fair | Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff

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