Prime Minister Chicken Shit, or Chicken Hawk?

“I’ve watched and listened to what the leadership in the Iran regime says, and it frightens me,” Mr. Harper said in a CBC interview.

Stick figure ouch

Prime Minister Stephen Harper takes a serious matter, and turns it into an opportunity to help his oil buddies. Bruce Carson would be so proud of him (if Harper hadn’t thrown the illegal oil lobbyist, and former Harper insider, under a bus before the last election).

It is entirely plausible that Iran’s theocratic, and vehemently anti-Israeli government, would be a threat to peace if they got nuclear weapons. Then again, the unstable states of North Korea and Pakistan both have them, and years later nothing has gone baa-boom. Why the focus on Iran? It’s oil production is huge. What’s vile, is that Harper diminishes the threat of a nuclear armed Iran by linking it to a his failing energy policy based on greed, and bad business and environmental sense. He’s so eager to ship our brains out to China, that he doesn’t seem to care what ducks and bunnies he has to step on to get there.

“In my judgment, these are people who have a particular, you know, fanatically religious worldview, and their statements imply to me no hesitation of using nuclear weapons if they see them achieving their religious or political purposes,” he said.

Remember that the only state to use nuclear weapons in an attack, is the USA, even though Pakistan and North Korea have had them for years now. What he accuses the Iranian regime of, is not far off how many people view Harper’s government (minus the nukes). The Conservatives have shown time and again that they are willing to make Canada a global pariah to make a petro-buck. Ecology, and science, and human rights be damned.

Military action has been discussed, Mr. Harper added. “President [Barack] Obama’s said all options are on the table and I can certainly tell you that, when we talk about these issues, we talk about the full range of questions around these issues.
“I’ve raised the alarm as much as I can, but obviously I don’t advocate particular actions publicly. I work with our allies to see if we get consensus on actions,” he said.

Also during the interview, Mr. Harper linked the debate over the controversial Keystone XL pipeline from Canada to Texas with concern over Iran’s threat to blockade the main shipping route for oil in the Middle East.
“It’s pretty obvious what the right decision is … not just from an economic and environmental standpoint, but from an energy security standpoint,” Mr. Harper said.

Disappointingly (but not surprisingly) his next words did not contain “become renewable energy world leaders”. Instead he thinks we need to put the people of BC, and our coastline at grave risk from a catastrophic oil slick in the Pacific (as well as the rivers and lakes along the way from Alberta). Using warmongering, just like the kind used against Iraq 9 years ago, to bolster support for an invasion “achieving their religious or political purposes”, is in Harper’s words “frightening”. He just doesn’t see how black his pot is while pointing at the Iranian kettle.

10 responses to “Prime Minister Chicken Shit, or Chicken Hawk?

  1. Yes–Any link with the pipeline is despicable, but anyone who doesn’t see Iran having to be stopped is living in a dreamworld, never mind Harper. If you don’t understand the danger of a IRAN getting nuclear weapons, then you’ve never spoken to ONE Iranian Canadian. Not one. (If you want a SENSE of it, check out what’s going on in Syria right now.) It IS frightening that N. Korea (especially) has Nuclear weapons. The world is working very hard to get them to stop. Anyone who attempts to draw a clear link between the type of society N. Korea has and what Pakistan has, is simply out of touch with reality or hasn’t taken the time to study these or get to know any Pakistanis.
    Also, the comment about “slavish commitment” to Israel has NOTHING to do with this subject and is also a reflection of total ignorance of the geo-politics.
    The fact that the U.S. is the only nation to use nuclear weapons? Well, as horrible as that is, the world saw the results of that and it’s clearly a deterrent to it being used now.
    Comparing Iran and Iraq right now is beyond the pale. The Iraq war was a terrible misadventure, to say the VERY least. Knocking out Iran’s nuclear capability years ago would have been the correct approach. Love them or hate them, I will forever be grateful to Israel (with U.S. support, clearly) for destroying Iraq’s nuclear capability in 1981. The Bush government wouldn’t let them do that with Iran…now look at the pickle the Middle East is in!

    • Harper is no more pro-Jewish state than any Christian, which is to say they’d more often than not prefer Jews outnumber Muslims in the Middle East. Harper’s slavish commitment is to his ideology, which at the moment is bolstered by being supported by anti-Muslim people, and since Israel is the defacto anti-Muslim state in the Middle East, they get support. The “enemy of my enemy is my best friend” principle in all its ugly glory.

      However there are a lot of issues at play here, and I won’t pretend to be an absolute expert on them. I do see things a great deal more clearly than Chicken Shit/Hawk Harper would like me to, however. Ultimately war is about protecting, or acquiring resources. Since Canada has no resources near Iran, for Canada it’s about acquisition. What would we acquire? Control of oil that China wants, so they’d have to buy from us one way or another.

      How important is oil in a world where climate change will be setting economic policy for decades to come? Not as vital as finding technologies that run without oil. Harper is leaving us high and dry, and high on war. I don’t want my someday-offspring to die at the tail end of a 20 year war on Middle Earth.

  2. Saskboy…’s great to see that your ankles have healed up enough for you to jump on the latest band wagons passing through town….the Northern Gateway and XL pipelines….you’ve found the next “big thing|”

    I sure hope you are keeping track of all the causes you cuddle up to before they move on….cause I’m losing track…it’s kinda like wack-a-mole.

    But it’s good to see you back in action…….howlin’ at the moon !!

  3. Why is Harper going to fight a war in Iran? Because he’s a Kim Jong II religious nut who needs to have a crusade to send his troops into battle and get his name and picture into the paper. He’s enamored of his majority, his entourage feeds his ego to be the decider, each one of his MPs are weak and ill suited to their ministries and cannot hold their mouth to the script he’s given them. Really, Joe Oily is almost goppish! Harper never misses getting the headlines which stroke his vanity to the point of being movie mag treatments. Rex Murphy says of Harper, “he has a big brain”! ewww!

  4. Pingback: Lazy Loitering Louts | Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff

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