Can’t Trespass On Your Own Land

The Occupy Regina protesters in Victoria Park have been told by the City of Regina that they must get out. The City is wasting tax money and resources by creating an opening for those with their constitutional rights violated, to sue our city. Whichever lawyers are advising the city to proceed with an “eviction” are merely providing future job security for themselves and their legal colleagues. If you want to gripe about taxes being wasted, here’s your chance while still being on the right side of the law.

Occupy Regina November 8
Gandhi, a symbol of civil disobedience, ironically sits at City Hall, his message lost on Mayor Fiacco and several Councillors.

Our Mayor is Out Of Touch (MOOT). The Charter permits protests, at any time of the day, in Victoria Park and elsewhere in public space. It is not possible to “trespass” on public land while you are peacefully assembled there to protest. The government, and their representatives do not have the legal authority, the constitution does because we are under the rule of law, not the rule of dictators.

Perhaps the protesters should move, from Victoria Park, onto City Hall property which is also publicly owned. Then these tax wasting, Charter hating fools in City Hall will see every morning, all day, and every evening that they are not meeting the needs of many citizens they supposedly represent.

RUE is providing good photographic coverage of Occupy Regina too.

Alarm bells?:
“A security guard at Regina City Hall keeps Occupy Regina protester Billy Patterson from attending the City of Regina news conference announcing that an eviction notice for campers with Occupy Regina would be in force this Saturday but not enforced until Monday. Photo taken in Regina on Nov 10, 2011.”

Read more:

How can a peaceful member of the public be barred from attending a press conference about a protest he is participating in? City Hall has gone INSANE!

“Members of the camp suggested that the Glenn Davies’ office was responsible for all major decisions, turning off the power, removing the port-a-potty and finally the eviction.”
Glenn Davies needs a civics lesson.

11 responses to “Can’t Trespass On Your Own Land

  1. Johnny……….I call you that because you sound like a child tattling on his siblings for pickin’ on you……give it up….they’ve protested and now it’s time to go home.

    What do you really believe that a dozen or so idealists and homeless people camped out in Victoria Park in Regina are going to accomplish in changing our democratic or monetary systems. It might be the 99% vs the 1%….but if the truth were known 98% of working people don’t give a damn as they go about their business making a living and raising their families to hopefully be productive contributing members of society.

    This was an assuming aside in most people’s daily goings on…but now it’s getting a little old…they have lost the attention of the media and that guarantees the death of the Occupy movement. If you notice the lead in most newscast it’s the world economy….it’s not some leftist make believe ideal of everyone being equal. We live in a society that is rewarded by the value of what you provide to the world….and that’s just the way it is. The “revenge of the nerds” has been a dismal failure as it was forecast it would be……the hopeful “Arab spring” has turned out to be a “Canadian” winter !!

    As was once said “it’s not that it takes all kinds…it’s that we have all kinds”

    So…..John on to the next big thing as you keep tilting at the windmills.

    • Yeah, it’s totally ignored, that’s why it’s the top story on right now, and Twitter is abuzz with thugs attacking peaceful protesters almost every night now.

      I do have an interest in defending our constitution from thugs and bullies. They have a day this week devoted to those who served in the military to do that kind of work, maybe you’ve heard of it? Remembrance Day. Or have you forgotten?

      • John….I haven’t forgotten the sacrifice of our veterans…as a matter of fact my son spent 8 years in the Army defending the rights of loons to “tilt at the windmills”……as I said it’s on to the next big thing….maybe next…. you and your idealistic brothers could investigate the disparity between consumer pricing in Canada and the USA.

        Why is it when we go to Great Falls can we purchase the exact same things sold in Canada…. only for 40% to 60% less. Now that is something that won’t make you look like such a “loon” !! You would make a real contribution to Canadian society and be looked upon as a grown up.

      • Ron, I find it sad that you don’t recognize Occupy Regina as doing what you seek. “Consumer pricing inequity”? That’s your baby? Yeah, that pales in comparison to defending constitutional rights at home in Canada.

      • Ron reminds me of somebody who might have lived in Neshoba County in June ’64 and felt that “those boys rightly got what was comin’ to ’em.”

    • The beauty of your ambiguous comment Darcy, is that when whichever side wins, you can claim to have said that about whichever group you want and claim to have always been on their side.

  2. I just wish these protesters would stay off my side. I don’t need them. They are so arrogant as to pretend that know where my interests lie and what is best for me. Please. These people have so many different interests their message is being lost in a fog cacophony. Don’t you find it ironic that Big Unions are backing these idiots yet Big Unions such as the Ontario Teachers Federation have invested teacher fund money in the Oil Sands which some of the protesters are protesting in these demonstrations. I mean really, if you’re going to espouse a message, at least be consistent.

    • Darcy, some of these problems are too big for individuals to take on, or even big unions. Don’t start saying that because I use a computer made in China, that I can’t be against using communism to support Canadian corporate capitalism, for instance.

  3. Pingback: Can't Evict an Idea | Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff

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