Occupy Council

Occupy Regina has a speakers series this Saturday to listen to and participate in. I’ve invited the Regina City Council. I encourage you to also contact them. If you live elsewhere, please do the same. If the councilors do not listen to those on the front lines of the Occupy movement, Occupiers will have to focus on electing people who are capable of dialogue and understanding.

I encourage the city’s councilors to attend Occupy Regina, and have conversations with the protesters there. The worldwide movement is intended to make our democracy more representative of the people, and so your participation is crucial to not only the movement’s success, but to the success of our democracy and city.

I refer you to the following invitation:
The ‘occupiers’ have been camped outside for close to a week now. Please come down to the camp this Saturday October 22 to hear from a wide range of speakers and to march through the streets in support of the occupy movement in Regina and worldwide.

2:00 p.m. – welcome from the occupiers

2:20 p.m. – Shauneen Pete on “Learning US and THEM – OUR colonial past and complex racialized now”

2:40 p.m. – Lisa Smith on “10% of the 99%: Finding space for LGBTQ”

3:00 p.m. – John Conway on “What the hell do we want?”

3:20 p.m. – Simon Glezos on “A few myths about the economy”

3:40 p.m. – Ross Munyiga on “A new social contract: democracy from below”

Where: Victoria Park (North East corner)

Occupy Regina has also been hosting popular education workshops in the park. Please email emily.eaton@uregina.ca if you have an idea for a workshop that you’d like to run.

Emily Eaton
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography
University of Regina

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