Good-night Sweet Prince

It’s a sombre morning for much of Canada, as millions are contemplating the vastly changed federal political landscape. Okay, okay, tens of thousands are contemplating it, more realistically given voting patterns.

Now cracks a noble heart. Good-night, sweet prince;
And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.
– Shakespeare

That quote always reminds me of two other passed great Canadians, Wayne and Shuster, who said, “Now cracks a noble head,” referring to a catcher who’d been beaned in a Shakespearean baseball game. Nobody knew death and humour, and Shakespeare and Canada better than those two.

We’ll be spending years wondering what could have been had Jack Layton overcome his second bout with cancer. We wonder that about anyone who has died, it’s why death is so traumatic for the living. We make plans, we have dreams, then death changes those plans subtlety or directly. His end is just the beginning of a new Canada. Let’s heed his words and make the most of a bad situation.


I thought of the quote above, and searched for it. It’s amazing what you learn on the Internet.

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